Saturday 12 November 2016

On The Box Last Week

Warning-TV Spoilers Ahead!

Last Sunday saw the last episode in the second series of Poldark, finally after weeks of waiting this show picked up in the back half of the season. The last three episodes changed the pace of the show and I really enjoyed it. Elizabeth agreed to marry Poldark's sworn enemy George, Ross can't be having this and confronts his first love and they end up sleeping together.
Demelza found out and gave him such a punch that sent Ross sleeping with the pigs!
In this finale episode we find Demelza struggling with the idea of leaving Ross as even the fact the Ross as struck tin and there money worries are over brings Demelza no joy. Ross is thinking of joining the war and leaving Cornwall. Elizabeth is slowly realising that George is not everything he said he was, he is Lording over Trenwith although they could be living in his much larger estate. He is putting up fences all over the countryside and getting all the locals very annoyed. To the point when Jud rounds up the locals to march on Trenwith with the idea of burning it down. Demelza puts her distaste for them aside and tries to warn both Elizabeth and George who both just sneer at her. I so wanted to punch them both! Ross arrives and saves the day, he asks Demelza to leave with him and Elizabeth knows she has truly lost Ross forever. It's only later when George tells her he is sending her son (who is only four or five year old) away to bording school as he is too attached to her that she begins to realise how evil George can be! She is also facing the hard fact that she is now pregnant with what is looking very likely Ross's child!
We got a teaser of series three which will air in 2017 I am really looking forward more drama in Cornwall.

Unlike the UK version of the show which I think has got slightly stale this Irish version is new and fresh. It's only in the first series so it's still fun and has no big household names...yet! I liked how this version unlike it's UK sister doesn't feature much politics in the show. I think the UK show features too much of this now and its turned into a very satire type show.
This week on the Irish version the Tully twins where very vocal on how much they hated snakes when watching Planet Earth. I love all the families and friends, nothing feels forced we are really enjoying this show

We are on episode three of season seven of The Walking Dead and I am loving it.
Negan has brought fresh air into a show that was starting to feel a bit of a let down. The season opener was stunning and jaw dropping, with Negan not killing one but two of our favourites. It was hard to see Abe and Glen meet Lucille in the way they did, the writers and show producers make the choice to show the deaths in the most gruesome way possible! We saw Negan break Rick and Rick now fully understands who is in charge and its definitely not him!
In the second episode we where introduced to The Kingdom where Carol and Morgan are staying. We met King Ezekiel and his tiger Shiva. I loved how Carol didn't take any of his bull shit and he finally told her his story of how he got Shiva....he was a zookeeper before the dead started walking! While I liked this episode I don't really think the Kingdom or Carol needed a whole episode.
In season three we see how Daryl is doing after Negan took him after an outburst from Daryl in episode one resulted in on of the group getting killed. Negan has his group lock up Daryl in a cell with no clothes and feed him dog food sandwiches. He tries to break him any way he can playing the same song over and over, beating him up and show him pictures of his dead friends. Yet the redneck is strong and will not bend, although he is very close to breaking he will not give up who he is.
All of the acting has been top notch this season, but for me Jeffrey Dean Morgan has been acting the others off the screen. He has somehow made a sadist, bat wielding, psychopath, likable and dare I say it sexy!
I am really looking forward to this weeks episode when Negan pays a visit to Alexandrina  

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