Tuesday 1 November 2016

Over The Weekend #54 Halloween Edition

This weekend we did lots of lovely Halloween things
Friday Oisìn had a little dress up party in daycare
He wasn't 100% all weekend due to an ear infection, chest infection and was tired due to the meds he is on. Yet on Friday he was so exicted to dress up for all his friends to see!
He wore last years pumpkin outfit and it was crazy to see the difference a year makes!
On Saturday Paul's parents invited us up to there's for dinner
We had a relaxing afternoon and then later the local pub put on a firework display for the children

It was great fun sweets and fireworks for the children with wine and beer for the adults!

Oisìn loved seeing his Uncle Jamie dressed up! It was so sweet to see the little children's faces when looking at the fireworks and the adults dressed up!

Sunday was a bit of a chill out day we watched Halloween family movies
I chanced watching A Nightmare Before Christmas with Oisìn liked it but he LOVED Hocus Pocus!
While watching it he decided he wanted to be a witch!
Later we carved pumpkins it took a while for Oisìn to agree to it he was having so much playing with the pumpkin!!
Then he finally done some carving with Daddy, he asked for a happy pumpkin and not a scary one!

Monday was a bank holiday here in Ireland its nice to have an extra one before Christmas!
We went to my parents for dinner and we had the Irish tradition of colcannon with a money surprise inside which took me straight back to my childhood.
Oisìn ate his dinner so quickly he was so exicted to get out and do some trick and treating!
Oisìn loved getting ready and getting his face painted when he saw me as a witch
He said I was a brilliant witch! Although he was dressed up as Frankenstein he though he was the hulk so we didn't disagree with him! 

Our little man loved trick and treating he loved the firework display but his favourite was the bonfire
He asked to go back to it three times! My parents neighbours loved seeing him all dressed up and he got lots of sweets and treats to last for weeks!!
After all the trick and treating was done we had a glass of wine and watched Monsters Inc before heading home
Then we settled down with a glass of wine and watched The Walking Dead
Oisìn enjoyed Halloween so much that he thought he could dress up again this morning after breakfast and do it all again!!
Hope you all had a Happy and safe Halloween

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