Monday 7 November 2016

Over The Weekend #55

This weekend we didn't get up to much to be honest!
Paul was working all weekend so it was just Oisìn and I for most of the time

Saturday morning we done a bit of Christmas shopping and went for a festive coffee
When I ordered it I didn't realise that it would be so big!

We then went to my parents for a chat and a cuppa
Oisìn wanted to bring his green car but his legs got tired half way to Grandparents house so I end up pushing him most of the way!
I wasn't feeling 100% for most of the weekend but tried my best to be fun for Oisìn!

  Sunday was a mostly do nothing type of day!!
We snuggled on the sofa and watched the new Sky Christmas Movie channel!
It is early to be talking about Christmas but this was just what I needed!
We had a late Sunday roast when Paul got home and then later watched the last in the series of Poldark.

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