Tuesday 8 November 2016

Reading Habits

1.Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
In the Summer I love reading in our back garden, but I mostly read in bed with a toddler that's really the only chance I get the time to read. I do try grab a few pages while curled up on the sofa if the housework is done and the little one is watching Peppa Pig, but that only lasts 15 minutes if I'm really lucky! 

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?
Both! I do love themed bookmarks but I always losing them or the toddler gets his hands on them! Recently my cousin bought me a beautiful angel bookmark but Oisìn got his hands on it and now I am back to using a random piece of paper!

3.Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/certain amount of time?
I always have to stop after a chapter I can't just leave a book down in the middle of a chapter
but I do have to limit my time reading as I read in bed I could read into the early hours of the morning with an almost three year old that wakes at the crack of dawn its not good to be reading till 2am!
I done that once when reading Dragonfly In Amber and was like a zombie the next morning!

4.Do you eat or drink while reading?
I don't normally eat much but I do drink I love a cup of tea or hot chocolate while reading so cosy!

5.Multitasking: Music or TV while reading?
Neither! I don't mind something on low in the background but I definitely can't watch TV while reading!

6.One book at a time or several at once?
Normally I can only read one book at a time but this month I am reading two together and am enjoying it

7.Reading at home or everywhere?
I read anywhere I can get a chance! I have had lots of hospital appointments the past few years and always bring a book for the waiting rooms!

8.Reading out loud or silently in your head?
Silently bugs the life out of me when people read out loud to themselves!

9.Do you read ahead or even skip pages
No....if I am struggling with a book I might skim over pages but I don't skip pages

10.Breaking the spin or keeping it like new?
My Mam and I really disagree with this she breaks the spin on her books so when I get a lend of books of her I think they always look tatty! I like to keep them look newish and I never break the spin, I do bend them a little but never break them!

11.Do you write in your books?
No never! I am currently reading a library book and someone before me unlined random words in the first few chapters with pen and it so annoyed me!

What are your reading habits?

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