Monday 2 July 2012

Battle of The Bulge - Week 2!

I start of this post with some good news I have lost 2.3 pounds since last week which is great. Its a good start but I have a long way to got yet.

Week 2:

Monday: I done four hours of house work today while boping around to Kate Bush and beleive me it was a workout in its-self!!! Dinner was breaded chicken, sweetcorn and baby potatoes..exicting I know!!

Tuesday: I walked 2.5km today and I went to the gym with my sis in law. I cycled 5km, rowed 1km and done 500m on the cross trainer. I made a homemade beef and onion pie for dinner with chips it was yummy!! Must blog the recipe.

Wednesday: I was at a funeral today...for my wonderful great-auntie she was a lady. So I didnt do exercise today but I did walk 1.5km and dinner was a cavery roast beef.

Thursday: Today was my naughty day but I did walk 4km! My parents came up to ours for dinner and it was roast pork with carrots, peas, mash & roast potatoes. I also had a bottle of white wine and lots of fun was had =)

Friday: Paul & I walked 2.5km today. Dinner was chicken fajitas, we also had a three vodka and cranberry each!!

Saturday: I walked 2km today and done 30 mins exercise at home today. Dinner was homemade Thai green chicken curry with rice.

Sunday: I done 30 mins exercise at home today. Dinner was roast beef with green peas and mash potatoes. I had two vodka & cranberry while watching the Euro final =/

The Bad:
- The few extra vodka I had on Friday & Sunday!
- The lack of exercise I done on Wednesday.
- Still walking in the rain....and now the wind too!

The Good:
+ Hitting the gym....felt really good afterwards
+ Cutting down on portion sizes
+ Feeling the benfit of walking

This week was a bit of a stop start week we had a bereavement in the family so my head has been a bit all over the place. I tried to do as much exercise as I could. I did cut down on my portion sizes and have been feeling the difference. Still feeling the benfits of walking and fresh air. Hopefully I can keep up the weight loss for next week.

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