Sunday 29 July 2012


Some more things I am Loving or Hating recently:


* People who throw rubbish from there car into the street - I saw someone do this today and its just disgusting.
* This crazy spring weather we are having in Dublin - One moment its sunny the next raining!
* Whoever didn't "get" the Olympics Ceremony - Come on people it was amazing!
* People who scream conversations on the phone while on public transport - It's like being on Trigger Happy TV!
* Neighbours who kept there dogs locked up all day in a little apartment- Really it just cruel on the poor animals.


* Curling up with a book with a cup of tea or a glass of wine - Bliss!!
* Getting into bed after putting new bed clothes on the bed - It's the little things in life!
* The little bird that sings outside our bedroom window most mornings - Thank you little birdie you make my heart happy!
* Getting my hair done - There is nothing like stepping out of a salon after getting your hair done!
* My lovely family - I am so blessed to have an amazing family x

What are you hating or loving this week?


  1. Hi! :), i agree with all your loves and hates lol.
    Our weather is all over the place too it's been sun then rain all day today! I must say i am glad its cooled down a bit though. This week so far i am loving the cooler weather, the satisfaction of a tidier room ( still working on it), TOWIE - the only way is essex tv prog it's so funny! i have just read that there is going to be another series of gavin and stacey :D and the olympics :), i'm hating that i keep getting dizzy spells, i have work 6 days this week :( and my friend at work is going on holiday for 3 weeks and i shall miss her.
    Hope your well.

  2. Hi =)
    I would love it if there is going to be another series of Gavin & Stacey would love another xmas speical too =) Aw no don't like dizzy spells you should get you gp to check that. I hate when friends go on hols eps if there the only thing that keeps you going in work!
    Take care & enjoy the rest of the rain!! xx

  3. I know yeah!It's such a fab programme!, I've been googling and i think it may be vertigo i'm terrible with diagnosing myself lol.
    You too, have a good week :)


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