Sunday 15 July 2012

Battle of the Bulge - Week 4

This week has been my worst week so far....ate lots of chocolate and lacked motivation to do much exercise.

Week 4:

Monday: I done 2 hours house work and walked 2km today. Dinner was peppered steaks, sweetcorn and roast potatoes.

Tuesday: I walked 2km today and done 30mins exercise at home today. Dinner was breaded chicken, peas and baby potatoes.

Wednesday: I walked 3km today in which I was caught in three rain showers!!! Went to my parents for dinner it was steak, carrots, peas and potatoes it was lovely I also had a few glasses of wine with my parents.

Thursday: I walked 3km today. Dinner was a quick pasta bake and I ate half a huge bar of chocolate! =/

Friday: I walked 1.5km today. Dinner was baked sea bass with salad.

Saturday: Had a bit more motivation today. We walked 3km, we bought a badminton set today in aldi so we played badminton today for an hour and half. It was good fun. Today was my naughty day never mind naughty day I have been bad with my diet all week!! Paul made a lovely Thai green chicken curry with rice and poppadoms washed down with some white wine!

Sunday: We played badminton for an hour today...stupid rain made us stop!! Dinner was bangers and mash with onion gravy with a glass of red wine!

The Bad
- The lack of exercise & motivation I had all week
- The huge amount of chocolate I ate this week!!
- I ate a serious amount of carbs & comfort food this week
- The weather...half an hour walk & getting caught in 3 rain downpours!

The Good
+ The fact that I actually did any exercise this an achievement
+ I found a sport I like Badminton its great fun!
+ Still walking and enjoying the fresh air
+ The new healthy recipes I found can't wait to try them next week

So this week was a bit of a waste I lacked motivation to do anything this week, so I spent most of it eating chocolate, drinking tea, reading and feeling sorry for myself! The weekend was a little better we bought a badminton set for aldi and enjoyed a few hours over the weekend playing it in the park across from our apartment. My aim for next week is to get back to the gym and swimming pool walk more, to try out the new recipes I found and to hopefully lose a couple of pounds.

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