Wednesday 18 July 2012

Reading Is A Discount Ticket To Everywhere....

"Reading is a discount ticket to Everywhere" - Mary Schmich

Books I Read This Week.

Here is another review of some books I read this week. No, 50 Shades of Grey this week but its on my "to do" list ;)

Becoming Jane Eyre by Sheila Kohler - My love of the Bronte Clan continues this week with this fictional biographical of Charlotte Bronte. It mostly told by Charlotte's point of view but there is a little of Emily and Anne too. It is a much smaller book than Taste Of Sorrow and less intense. It starts in 1846 with Charlotte at her sick Father's bedside writing the first chapters of Jane Eyre. The story continues recounting the life's of the Bronte Family from the sisters dealing with there alcoholic brother Branwell to the challenges of trying to get there books published. I got straight into the book from the first page, I really enjoyed the first few chapters as Charlotte recalls her love affair with her "professor" and how she incorporates this experience into Jane Eyre. I did get the feeling of sisterly rivalry when Jane Eyre was published with good reviews and felt for the other sisters when there books didn't do as well, especially poor Emily whose Wuthering Heights got the worst reviews. However the last part of the book for me is lacking it loses focus and for me it felt as if the ending was rushed. I also didn't like the covers of this book as there is two different ones they don't do any justice for the book and the cover for the one I read looks more "Jane Austin" then Jane Eyre! It has however inspired me to re-read Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights.

The Glassblower of Murano by Marina Fiorato - This book is about present day Leonora, who when her marriage falls apart moves to Venice to find out about her family history and reconnect with her ancestor Corradino. This book goes back and forth from present day to the 17th century. In 17th century we learn about Corradino Manin who was a maestro glassblower. Glassblowing at the time was more precious that gold and the art form was hidden and kept secret. The secrets where ferociously guarded my The Council Of Ten. Corradino to protect his daughter sells his secerts to King Louis of France. Present day it tells the story of Corradino descendant Nora/Leonora who's life had fallen apart after her husband leaves her for an older woman. She decides to leave London for Venice and take up glassblowing for herself. Along the way she falls in love with Venice and with handsome Alessandro. The two story's intertwine as she finds out more about Corradino's strange "death". I found it a little hard to get into at first, and for the first couple of chapters the modern part of the story was easier to ready. It really gave you the feel of Venice and it has made me want to visit Venice now!! However I still wasn't sure about Leonora and Alessandro at the end, it was the only part of the plot which I thought was lacking. It was a really good read and it was my favourite of the four.

Monday To Friday Man by Alice Peterson - Gilly Brown has been jilted two weeks before her wedding and at 34 her sister in law has her wrote of as a spinster! Alone in London with just her dog Ruskin for company she is finding it hard to pay her bills her friend suggest a lodger a Monday to Friday man. Along comes Jack Baker a top TV producer, soon Gilly find herself caught up with fancy party's, glamour and fine dinning. Only Gilly's dog walking friend Guy isn't convinced that Jack is all he pretends to be. What attracted me to this book was the cover I thought it was really pretty! It's basically a chick-lit but what makes its that little bit special is its narration and like The Girls Guide To Homemaking last week it has a great back story from divorce, disability, love, marriage, and loneliness. There is good flashbacks to Gilly's childhood, where we learn of her broken home life and her disabled little sister. It was pretty obvious from the first few chapters what has going to happen with Gilly's love life. Its not a mind blowing read or something that's going to stay with you forever but its good for what it is, and I enjoyed sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea reading it.

Between the Sheets by Colette Caddle - Dana De Lancey is a romance novelist think Mills & Boon, but all is not well in her own love life. When her husband Guy leaves her, her world falls apart. Her estranged brother Ed turns up out of the blue and it makes her relive some painful memories. I just couldn't get into this book and found it a struggle to finish it. It did however make me appreciate my loving communicate hubby.

Onto the next four books for next week!! Have you read any of these books? If so what did you think of them?

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