Monday 16 July 2012

Charity Shops

My  recent donations to my local Charity Shop
Are you too posh to donate or shop in charity shops? I have to be honest and say up until a couple of years ago I never went into charity shops, but a couple of years ago with the fall of the so called Celtic tiger I tried visiting a few of our local charity shops. I found a few little gems tops and a dress from warehouse and mango and I haven't looked back since! I often find lovely household gems, vases, pictures, candle holders. Sometimes you have to search for the clothing gems....but I think it's the same as TK Maxx! It makes it all the more cool when you dig out a great find!
I know more and more people are selling there old stuff, but I still donate my stuff to my local charity shops. Recently I donate a huge bag of stuff,  clothes that no longer fitted me =( My shoes in the picture broke my little heart to get rid of these! It is no secret that I love shoes and I am a size 2-3 so when I find my size I buy them even if I can't walk in them. My favourites where the pink ones! They didn't quite fit me they slipped up and down on me....although they where a size 3! They where sky scrapers but that didn't stop me wearing them out dancing!!! Bad idea after a few too many I landed on my knee and nearly knee capped myself! So needless to say I thought I better donate them to find a happy home and someone who cant actually walk in them!!!
So the next time you walk past a charity shop have a look inside you might have a really gem!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the comment you are so sweet :) Of course I will follow you too and look forward to looking through your blog...enjoy the rest of the weekend :)


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