Monday 23 July 2012

Battle of the Bulge - Week 5

Week 5:

Monday: Paul & I walked 3km today and I done my 2 hour housework work out!!! Dinner was beef stir fry with wok noodles and black bean sauce..lovely.

Tuesday: Paul & I walked 3km and went to the gym. I cycled 8km, rowed 500m, done the treadmill 2km, done some weights and the cross trainer 1km. Oh and my new favourite thing the power-plate for 5 mins. The cross trainer is still the hardest I do be shattered after 5 minutes on it! Dinner was beef hash (God bless Jamie Oliver and his 30 min meals!) with jacket potatoes and corn on the cob..mmmm...

Wednesday: Paul & I went swimming this morning....well Paul tried to teach me for an hour! I also walked 3km. It was great exercise and I felt lovely and fresh after it. I done 2 hours house work this afternoon and dinner was chorizo and sweetcorn pasta bake. Paul was in work till late so it done for his lunch/supper too.

Thursday: I walked 4.5km today we went to the gym I cycled 5km, rowed 500m and went on the power- plate for 5 minutes. Paul was in work till late so I just had a left over pasta bake for dinner.

Friday: Today was my naughty day we went to see Phantom of the Opera today. So we met my parents in town and went for dinner I had roast chicken, fresh veg with potatoes I also has dessert it was Eton Mess my favourite! After the show we went for a few drinks it was a lovely day.

Saturday: Paul & I walked 2km today we had a family get together in my parents so dinner was finger food!!

Sunday: I only walked 1.5km today and dinner was roast beef with all the trimmings with a couple of glasses of red wine.

The Bad
- The lack of exercise I done over the weekend
- I am getting a bit down about the fact I'm not loosing much weight
- The weather at the start of the week was not giving me much motivation

The Good
+ I done alot of exercise this week
+ The power-plate love it
+ My legs are starting to look a little toned from all the walking

After the lack of doing anything last week, I had much more motivation this week. This week I walked over 17km in total over the week which is really good for me. I am really enjoying the cycling I also find it relaxing. The power-plate is my new favourite but the cross-trainer is still my enemy at the moment!! The weekend I felt bloated and fat again when I was looking in my wardrobe for something to wear for the show on Friday! My goal for next week is go the gym more and cut down on snacking.


  1. Hi! Thanks for the kind comments. My new phone is the Samsung Galaxy S3. The camera is 8mp I think and since having it, I've taken all my photos on it and havent picked up my poor little camera! It's easy to use and I love it!


  2. you are inspiring! i need to get off my arse and do some exercise! xx

  3. Thanks its taking me a while to get motivation :)


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