Monday 9 July 2012

Battle of The Bulge - Week 3

This week I lost 1.5 pounds. I can now fit into two pairs of jeans that two weeks ago wouldn't even close on me!!!

Week 3:

Monday: I done my 2 hour house work session (which I am still counting as exercise) and I walked 2.5km in the rain! Dinner was beef taco's with mixed peppers & was lovely!

Tuesday: I walked 2.5km today and went to the gym with Paul. I cycled 6km, walked 1km, rowed 600m and done 100m on the crosstrainer. The crosstrainer is the hardest I am trying my best on it but my legs are like jelly after 3mins on it! Dinner was spaghetti bolognese.

Wednesday: I walked 2.5km today getting used to all this walking!! I also went to water aerboics today really enjoyed it. Dinner was a quick pasta bake....Paul was in work late tonight so I made enough for his lunch too!

Thursday: Paul & I walked 2.5km today. Paul's hurly feile started today so dinner was quick homemade cheats pizza Jamie Oliver style!!!

Friday: I walked 1.5km today in the terrible rain.Dinner was mustard pork chops with potatoes and cauliflower cheese I needed comfort food after a rotten day weather wise! After getting soaked in the rain waiting for a bus we got a bottle of rose wine and got all cosy drinking it tonight!!

Saturday: Today was my naught day! Done no exericse!!!! Dinner was homemade fish & chips yummy washed down with some lovely cider!

Sunday: We went for a little walk today...well it is Sunday!! Dinner was chicken & chorizo. Nigella Lawson recipe really tasty and quick. We also had a bottle of wine while watching the Wimbledon Men's final (hard luck Murray)

The Bad
- I ate alot of carbs this week.
- Walking in the horrible rain!
- The comfort bottle of wine I had on Friday & Sunday!

The Good
+ I lost another 1.5 lbs
+ Two pairs of jeans I couldnt even button up two weeks ago fit me!!
+ Lots of fresh air I am getting from all the walking!

I feel good about this week but looking bad over the week I did eat alot of carbs...must check myself next week when making dinner!! The weather has been terrible so walking was a bit of an effort but do feel great after a long walk. My aim for next week is to go to the gym more and to hopefully lose another pound.

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