Sunday 9 September 2012

Battle of the Bulge - Week 11

I have decided to take a bit of a different mind-set going into week 11 of my plan. I have decided there are worst things in the world than being a large size 14! I am going to look at different blogs and stuff and to try and learn how to dress for my size. I will still be doing exercise and trying to eat right. I will do my best, but I am not going to get upset or beat myself up anymore if I don't lost a pound or two. All I can to is my best and wait until I am back in the hospital in November and see what they say and what different treatment the doctors are going to put me on for my pcos.

Week 11:

Monday: Paul & I both had today off and we continued our anniversary long weekend with drinks and takeout food.

Tuesday: Back to work so I walked 4.5km to work today. Dinner was beef hash with baked potatoes and corn on the cob.

Wednesday: Walked another 4.5km to work  today. Dinner was pork chops with mash potatoes and fresh veg.

Thursday: I walked another 4.5km to work today, dinner as a really quick pasta bake.

Friday: I woke up this morning and my throat was really sore and nose feel like in has closed down! I had a really bad cold, so I didn't wall to work I got the bus to and from work. Dinner was a concoction of lemslip, uniflu,and chicken soup!

Saturday: I spent most of the day in bed today and it was so lovely and sunny out =( Today again I had lots of hot lemslip, drank lots of water, and took uniflu. I managed to have some chicken salad for dinner.

Sunday: Today I felt a good bit better and managed to cook some Sunday lunch. It was ham with potatoes and veg.

The Bad:
- Getting a really bad cold the end of the week it zapped the energy out of me =(
- Not getting to the gym this week.

The Good:
+ All the walking I done this week
+  My new out look on my weight gain.

So hopefully I will be back to top health next week and hopefully my new out look on my weight gain lasts a while!! Any other bloggers have any tips for dressing for a larger size or where is good to shop?


  1. I think you look great!, i need to learn to dress better for my figure i wear things that make me look bigger than i am wheres trinny and sussanah when you need them ;).
    Hope your cold's gone now.
    Take care

  2. Aw thank you so much Vanessa xx But yes I do need to start wearing clothes that suit me and dont make me look bigger...need a personal shopper!!


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