Sunday 16 September 2012



* Getting only bills in the post - no-one writes to each other any more. I miss the excitement of getting a letter in the post. Roll on Christmas and we will get something other than bills in the post.
* Early mornings - I am really not a morning person and no matter how much I try I just hate early mornings especially after a few glasses of wine on a Sunday!
* People who spit chewing gum on the street - It just looks horrible.
* That person who everyone knows that everything is worse for them - like say if you are having a bad day, well there day is a million times worst!
* Colds - I have had one for the past ten days and it will not go away!
 * People who look refreshed and perfect in the morning - hubby included! I can hardly get out of bed and get dressed early in the morning, but some people look amazing at 7.30am WHY and why can it not be ME!?


* Downton Abbey - I love this show from its very first episode, it always signals the start of autumn for me, drawing the curtains, lighting candles, glass of wine, getting cosy and Downton. What more can one ask for!? Plus Matthew and Mary finally made it up the aisle yay!
* The Fifty Shades Of Grey Trilogy - I didn't think I would enjoy this but I am...its not Bronte by any means but I am enjoying this dirty cheese fest! 
* My Hubby when he is drunk - recently he came home a little tipsy well more than a little tipsy and he is so funny because he tries to pretend he is not drunk and its so cute. I really do love this man!
* The Chill in the air - I love the change of seasons it reminds me of different holidays we have been on.
* Finding different blogs - I love discovering different blogs new blogs for me are talesfromahappyhouse Lots and  onthefirstdayofmarriage all of which I love.

What are you hating or loving this week?


  1. Hiya, I too hate people who spit gum out i hate people who spit at all on the floor actually lol it's gross, i too don't like early mornings for getting up once i am ready i'm ok though and it's good to see that time of the day unlike so many others :), i'm just getting over a cold so i know how you feel i hope your's starts to ease up soon too, i have never watched downtown abby however i do want to where can i catch up? i've been neglecting blogging lately however when i get chance i love to browse blogs too!.
    I'm also hating double standards it seems people can rant and rave and have an opinion about everything but if you do it, it's not acceptable, i hate that its a few days from payday so i'm completely skint but i also love that i'm a few days away from payday too! I'm loving Seeing friends and family recently, always good to catch up and makes me realise how lucky i am. I am loving strawberry cheesecake ben and jerry's! along with heinz beans and sausages i am addicted to both!
    Take care

  2. Hey I also hate people who spit its just gross! I'm like you once I am up and ready in the mornings I'm fine but its getting out of bed that gets me!! I do like being up early and I might sound crazy but I think the air smells different in the morning really fresh!! Oh I LOVE Downton Abbey you can catch up on itvplayer or there is a youtube channel where you can catch up too. Oh I hate that pay seems so far away too!! I agree sometimes time with family and friends makes you realise how lucky you are. I love all you love and hates xx
    Hope that tooth is not giving you much trouble.
    Take Care


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