Friday 26 October 2012

My Favourite Halloween Movies

With the weekend that is in it the hubby and I will be watching some horror movies here are my favourite Halloween movies, first of all I am not into the normal scary movies i.e. Friday 13th, Scream, Saw, or Nightmare on Elm Street are not my cup of tea! Here are my top 10 Halloween Movies.

10. The Wicker Man
I watched this movie when I was 17 and it scared the daylights out of me! The story of the young police man (Edward Woodward) who comes in search of a young woman who goes missing on a strange remote island. Stranger still is the crazy pagan rituals that still go on in this small island. The ending stayed with me for days! Stay away from the terrible remake with Nicholas Cage.

9. Carrie
Another movie I watched when I was 17!! I sat down to watch this thinking it was a coming of age movie how wrong was I!? Pigs blood, God fearing Mother, bulling, and a teenagers scorn left me terrified! Remake of this movie in the works.

8. Zombieland
Unlike my hubby who loves all things Zombie. Games (Dead Island) films (28 Days later) and TV shows (The Walking Dead) I am NOT into anything zombie except this movie. Its sh*t ass scary with zombies jumping out from everywhere but it has some humour too with Woody Harrelson running around trying to find the last Twinkie in America! Meant to be a sequel in the works!

7. Misery
You dirty bird!! Again other classic I saw in my teens and I enjoyed it. Kathy Bates is fantastic as the crazy obsessed fan of James Cann's author character. Classic line from Kathy Bates, great novel and screenplay from Stephen King.

A Film I never watched fully until recently I really enjoy this jump fest by Ridley Scott. S Weaver is amazing as Ripley, as the crew realise that they are not alone on there ship or the planet they have come to explore. The best of all the Alien movies by far.

5. The Wolfman
In my opinion a very underrated remake of the classic 1941 movie with Lon Chaney Jr. This movie made in 2007 and released in 2010 has a number of different issues with directors leaving half way through shooting and three different release dates. It did however have a amazing cast including Benicio Del Toro, Emily Blunt and Anthony Hopkins it has become one of my favourite movies ever. Even a man who is pure in heart and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms, and the autumn moon is bright. 
4. Lost Boys
 I love this classic 80's movie from the cast to the great 80's soundtrack Dianne West & Edward Herrmann lead this cast of youths. Its of course Kiefer Sutherland who out classes everyone with his amazing acting as vampire gang leader David. I forget how many times I have watched this movie, but I stay away from the straight to TV sequels.

3. The Monster Squad
This is like the Goonies of the horror films! I love this tongue in cheek horror/family movie. It is about young Sean who forms a monster squad with his different aged friends. He believes Dracula is alive and he is right! Dracula is making his own monster squad with Frankenstein, the mummy, the wolfman and Gillman. With out Sean and his friends help the world will be doomed, great film pity its so hard to find on DVD.

2. Fright Night
One of my favourite movies EVER!! The poster for this movie always and still does scary the crap out of me!! Charlie loves watching old horror movies especially the old vampire ones his hero is the vampire slayer Peter Vincent, but when two men move next door and only come out at night is Charlie imagination getting the better of him? When women start to literally fall at his neighbours Jerry's feet Charlie knows there is something not right. Chris Sarandon at his most hotest!I love this movie the new remake 2011 is not too bad either!

1. American Werewolf in London
I see the pale moon rising! Two American tourists get lost on the moors and all hell breaks lose! When his best friend is killed on the moors in England David has the most horrible dreams. He begins to feel different, but none of the locals will admit an animal attacked the two men. A werewolf is roaming London but who is he? I love this movie and John Landis wrote and directed this is an  amazing movie and Rick Baker werewolf make and effects are outstanding.

What is you favourite Halloween movies and what do you think of my list?


  1. Your top ten horror movies are great i've seen all of them and liked them apart from The Monster Squad and the wolfman, however they look like good films too!
    I must say i do like most horror movies friday the 13th i have never been a fan of and nightnmare on elm street there's only one of them i like, i do like the Halloween films though i think there classics.
    Hope your well :)
    Great post

  2. I watched the monster squad the yesterday, it was fab reminded me of the goonies style film too.

  3. Hey Vanessa glad you liked my list, I do have to admit I have watched all the Scream movies and all the Friday 13th movies but they are not my favourites that is why there are not on the list. Oh so glad you watched the monster squad its a fun family goonies type film and I always enjoy it when I watch it. The terrible I had trying to find it on dvd for my hubby!! Glad you liked this post I will be doing a smilar one for Christmas movies too soon :) xxx


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