Monday 25 February 2013

Five Things 8/52

Another weekend gone! Hope you all had a good one! Mine was fairly quiet but good news is I feel so much better and am back to work today! Here are my Five Things:

Saturday morning coffee and my TV guide for the weekend....its the little things!

Getting our Fleetwood Mac tickets in the post yippeee!!! The concert is not till September but I can't wait!

Trying to eat healthy and after all the medicine I have been on lately my body needs a little boast. Snack of celery, hummus and cranberry juice.

Saturday night I tried out my sleep-in rollers for the second time. Paul was in work and when he came home he laughed his arse off and said I looked like Mrs Brown! These rollers are fab they are okay to sleep in and on Sunday morning I had lovely big hair pity I wasn't going any where to show it off!

Sunday lunch of roast chicken and roast veg it was the first meal since I have been sick that I really enjoyed and ate every bit!!

So there my five things from this weekend it was a pretty boring one to be honest but I needed it to get better! What are you five things?


  1. Thank u for your lovely comment Lisa. Instagram really has taken over my blogging. But I'm hoping to get back to it more often soon and I'll be setting up a new blog too that will incorporate a new little business plus home life and days out. Xx


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