Friday 1 February 2013


This week I have been hating & loving this:


* The wet windy weather - Dublin has been having horrible weather all week. I got caught in rain, sleet and hailstone showers this week! Come on spring I am waiting for you!

* Being poorly - for the past two week I have felt awful, first tummy upsets from my meds, then a cold, now a ear infection and pms. Come on body give me a break!

* Litter bugs- I actually saw a man empty the contents of his pockets on the ground the other day disgusting! Come on people have respect for where you live and work!


* Ms Kate Bush - listening to her music makes me smile, love her album The Hounds Of Love. Come on Kate gives us another album soon!

* February - Hooray its February and its almost spring! Come on hubby get me something nice for Valentines Day!

* Its Friday! The weekend stretched out before me! Come on weekend lets have some fun!


  1. On Monday the sun fooled me. I was tricked into wearing a lighter weight coat and plimsolls. Walked to school and was FREEZING!
    At least with the wind and rain the rest of the week I knew where I was, and dressed accordingly!

    have a lovely weekend, and feel better soon. x

    1. I know Sunday done the same to me I thought the winter was over how wrong was I??!! Hope you are your having a lovely weekend xx Thank you for the lovely comment x

  2. Sounds like you've had bad luck with illness, hope you get well soon. The weather has been crazy here all week too wind, sun, rain, hail, thunder. I can't wait for Spring to come - I want to open all the windows and smell the fresh air!

    Gillian x

    1. Hi Gillian I have had a rotten time of it with being sick for the past couple of weeks. The weather has not helped but I has made me cook and craft more! Thank you for the lovely comment x


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