Wednesday 13 February 2013

Pancake Day!

Hope you all had a lovely pancake day! Ours was a little rushed as we both had work till late but come 7pm we where pancake ready!! Paul likes his with chocolate sauce where as I'm more of a lemon and sugar kind of girl!!

We also had pancakes Friday morning for breakfast isn't it funny we go pancake crazy this month and yet I might not have them again till next year!!

Hope you all enjoyed pancake Tuesday and are not too stuffed for Valentine chocolates tomorrow!


  1. Your pancakes look yummy!
    I have lemon sugar and jam :D
    I had mine on Monday though as i was out yesterday.
    Me and my brother say every year we should have them more often then we forget and before we know it, it's pancake day again aha.
    Hope your well.

  2. Yum. I love pancakes! Especially for breakfast at the weekend. We ate ours with Nutella on them. Very tasty.

    Gillian x

  3. Glad you enjoyed my post and your pancakes xx


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