Wednesday 6 July 2016

On The Box This Week

Warning-TV Spoilers Ahead!

Most of our favourite shows are finishing up there current run
and we are looking for new shows to feel the gap!
We tuned into this new show called The Living And The Dead on BBC not knowing much about it
Set in the 19th century Somerset where a prodigal son comes home to his family's large farm with his new second wife. While it is just meant to be a holiday his Mother dies while he is there, he wants to sale up and go back to London but his wife persuades him to stay and try give it ago living on the farm.
Colin Morgan played psychologist turned farmer Nathan Appleby very well and I enjoyed watching him on screen. It's a good job because while I liked the show I found it very slow in places. While all the domestic life on the farm is going on, a young girl called Harriet has started talking funny, hearing voices, going for midnight swims, spying on lovers and feeding ducks to pigs!
While Nathan witnesses some of Harriet's shocking behaviour the psychologist in him agrees to help her, much to the annoyance of his wife. We are given glimpses of the man Nathan was before, his first wife died in childbirth, his Mother raises his son and he became a bit too fond of the drink. We think his son had died under mysterious circumstances as he finds a recording of his son on a gramophone and weeps.
Nathan hypnotises Harriet and we find out she is possessed by a unloved wretched man called Abel North, so hated by his preacher Father that he was never baptised. As soon as Harriet is baptised the spirit seems to leave her, but before Abel drops hints that he knows what happened to Nathan's son.
There is a huge twist at the end when Nathan unable to sleep hears sounds in the house and goes to check them out armed with a candle and meets a woman wearing a duffel coat and holding an ipad, and she looks just as shocked as him!
I am looking forward to seeing more of this show over the next six weeks but I have a feeling it will be a slow burner.

The penultimate episode in the second season of Outlander was an action filled one!
I liked how at the start of the episode the gang looked tired, cold and hungry after months on the road and food supplies running out. Catriona Balfe done a great job of showing the weary Claire who looks as if she just wants to sleep.
The writers and director fitted alot into this episode Claire meets Mary Hawkins again, but this time she is sharing rooms with Alex Randal who is very sick. Claire takes one look at him and knows he is dying, as the two ladies chat Alex is delighted when his brother "Johnny" to him Black Jack to us joins them. Claire quickly leaves, Black Jack runs after her and pleas with her to help his brother, not for him but for Mary and his brothers unborn child. Claire realises that Frank isn't related to Black Jack but his brother Alex. Jack gives Claire some information in return for helping his brother he knows where the English camp are and they will be off guard the night before the Culloden battle as there is a celebration for Cumberland's birthday.
Colum McKenzie arrives not with men as Dougal hopes but with the news he is dying and needs to sort his affairs out before he goes. He names Jamie as his son's guardian and leader of the clan much to Dougal's horror. Claire examines Colum and they have a quiet moment when Colum tells her he was wrong, that she and Jamie makes a good match and have a strong marriage. He also tells her that her friend and only other who crossed the stones Geillis Duncan from the first series had her baby before being burned at the stake for being a witch. Claire grateful for the news thanks him. he then asks her for something to take near the end when the pain is too bad, she reluctantly agrees and gives his a poison to drink.
She then goes to see Alex who is pleading with Black Jack to marry Mary as he knows he is going to die soon. Jack says definitely not and storms off to the nearest pub! I am not sure if liked what the writers done to Black Jack this episode. In the books this is when we see Black Jack has feelings, and that his brother doesn't see Jack's cold black heart he sees only the loving brother who loves and protects him. So the scenes where Jack drunkenly yet so cruelly told Claire he enjoyed what he done to Jamie in the last season and doesn't regret it felt a little out of place. Surely he wouldn't be thinking of things like this when he beloved brother is dying? Reluctantly Black Jack marries Mary in what can only be described as the most glum wedding ever! When Alex takes his last breath soon after Black Jack goes bananas and beats the body of his dead brother to a pulp in another scene I'm not sure why the writers added!? Surely this was the time to show that sometimes even monsters can feel heartbroken and despair as the only person who cared for him has died, the only person that he has ever shown true love to has left the world and now he is truly alone with his coal black heart. That is what I felt when I read the scene in the book, the scene in the show just left me feeling somewhat shocked.
The scenes for me in this episode which really moved me, was when Dougal drunkenly comes to confront Colum. Colum asks to be left in peace for his finally hours Dougal will not give him that. What we expect is an all out war of words between the two brothers, but what we get is a brilliant piece of acting by Graham McTavish who plays Dougal of how he watched his older brother waste away from illness as they grew up. He asks his brother a question but gets no answer and he realises Colum has passed away after taken the poison. He holds his brother and tells him everything he wanted to say will not be said and remain in his head.
So we come to the ambush that never took place as Jamie's men march 12 miles out from camp to met with Prince Charles and surprise attack Cumberland's men. It does not happen because Prince Charles got lost in the fog and fields and turned his men back. Jamie and his men turn back for camp, his men are starving, cold, and weak and tomorrow means the battle cry of Culloden.
We don't have an episode of Outlander next week due to it being on a weeks break because of the 4th July holiday in the states. So I have to wait a week and half for the finale!
I am a little worried about how the 90 minute finale is going to go as book readers will know there is a HUGE storyline in the book that hasn't been added yet. I am a little worried that the writers are going to try fit half a book and such a big storyline into a 90 minute episode that will already have so much else going on! Anyway I guess we will just have to wait and see!!

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