Tuesday 5 July 2016

The Mummy Tag!

1. Are you a working Mum or a stay at home Mum?
I hate this question every Mother is working whether they go out to work or not!
Being a Mum is a full time job in itself! Up till recently I was working part time but due
to illness I have had to stop working till I get this chronic illness under control.

2. Would you have it an other way?
I would like to have a part time job in the future but at the moment I am happy
being at home with my little boy.

3. Do you co-sleep?
No and we never have, this was something my husband felt strongly about
He is normally very happy to go along with what I want but Oisìn is his child too
So we never done co-sleeping the odd falling back asleep after feeding or cuddles while sick
is as close as we got.

4. What is your must have item for your baby?
We had two items first was a growbag which Oisìn had different versions and sizes up until recently when he switched to a toddler bed and a duvet
The other was brilliantly for weaning it was called a CleverMama Cleafeed, it is quite like a soother but you put bits of cut up food into it. It was great for weaning with Oisìn we used baby-led weaning and this was a great help.

5. How many kids do you plan on having?
I would love to have three that was my ideal number when thinking of starting a family
but with all the fertility issues I have it looks like one might be our lot!

6. Your child's favourite TV show?
Peppa (bloody) Pig!!
Oisìn likes a number of TV shows, Mr Tumble, Twirly Woos and Barney
but Peppa Pig is the go to show for him and any chance he gets he will want
to watch it! Sometimes Mammy just has to compromise and watched the less annoying
like Mister Maker instead!

7. Date night do you have them?
Not as much as we would like, we do have two wonderful sets of parents
who volunteer to babysit but they have there own lives too
So if we can't get out for a date night we try do a date day instead
Lunch or Dinner and Cinema is normally what happens on a date day!

8. Name one thing you bought before having baby that you never used?
Swaddles Blankets we bought lots of them some really expensive ones
and Oisìn HATED being swaddled! So growbags where used instead!

9. Your child's favourite food?
Naughty food his favourite is ice cream!! What child doesn't love ice cream!
Good food his favourite is broccoli he actually loves his greens, anything green on his plate he eats first and sometimes asks for more!

10. How many cars does your family own?

11. Weight gain before, during, after pregnancy and now?
Before pregnancy I had gained due to my PCOS meds
During I gained over a stone, after another half a stone
I joined Slimming World and was doing so well trying to get my mindset back into that
but have lost most of my pregnancy weight. Would love to lose another half stone and I'd be really happy!

12. Dream holiday with your kids?
Disney World Floria we are hoping to do this in the next few years with Oisìn

13. Dream holiday without your kids?
A city break maybe Vienna!

14. How has your life changed since having kids?
Everything in my life has changed, my life has a meaning now.
I get up and most days the first face I see is my son's he is so happy in the mornings
which makes me try be a better morning person!
Everything in my life has changed for the better

15. Finish the sentence "it melts my heart when..."
I see the bond my husband and son have, they are so cute Oisìn is
a mini me of Paul. I love how they love being in each others company
how Oisìn will till his Dad all about his day when he gets home from work.

16. Where do you shop for your kids?
For toys it's mostly Smyths toy store or Argos
For clothes I like Primark/Penneys, Sports Direct, Next, Mothercare and Dunnes Stores

17. Favourite make up and skin products?
My favourite makeup is definitely Estee Lauder Double Wear
I also love Estee Lauder skincare range

18. Huggies or Pampers?
Neither! I only used Pampers on Oisìn when he was a newborn
when he was around five months old we switched to Dunnes Stores own brand
and have been using them ever since

19. Have you always wanted to be a Mum?
Yes as soon as I met Paul at 19 I knew he was the one
and I knew I wanted to have a family with him.
I has been a long journey but we got there!

20. Best part of being a Mum?
The feeling of unconditional love...looking at this tiny human
that you have created and knowing you would die before letting anything happen to them
The kisses, cuddles and hugs are also great!!

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