Tuesday 18 October 2016

Dealing or Not Dealing with Potty Training Regression

After spending most of August getting Oisìn potty trained the last thing I thought about was potty training regression! He was doing so well and took to using a toddler toilet seat instead of a potty.
I think he had a set back when in creche he moved to the larger toddler room with two new childcare assistants. Although he loves the room and most of his friends moved with him, I don't think he felt comfortable asking to go to the the toilet. I don't blame creche or anything like that these things happen. I do think at home I went about it all wrong! I panicked, stressed out and thought I was doing something wrong! 

Then I started to google everything about toilet regression! I tried EVERYTHING! 
I made a song up to sing when he needed the toilet-it didn't work he wet himself while singing it!
I used stickers as a reward-didn't work stickers where everywhere and so was the puddles of pee!
I told him he was a big boy and he needed to wee in the potty or toilet-didn't work the lip came out and he burst into tears....major Mammy guilt
I used one jelly sweet as a reward-didn't work he sat on the toilet pretending to go and then had a tantrum if he didn't get a sweet!

So I stopped and remembered that this clever little chatter box isn't even three yet! I was stressing out, putting so much pressure on this little boy who although picks up many things quickly was just had a set back with potty training.
 He can have a full conversation with me, sing songs, dress himself, tell stories, feed himself but yet he still isn't three years old. Sometimes I need to remind myself of that! 
I remembered my own words in my own post regarding potty training that every child is different and to have patience.

Why was I putting so much pressure on his little head?!
I was guilty of comparing him to other children in his creche and his friends. Nervous that he was behind other children in his age group. I stopped and gave myself a serious wake up call!!
I took a step back and looked at how upset, unhappy and even slightly scared he looked when I brought him to the toilet or when he had wet himself.
I took the stress and pressure off him and put the pull ups back on. He goes the poo in the toilet and will always tell me when he needs to go to the toilet for that. Now that I have took the pressure off him he tells me more now when he needs a pee. Of course he goes in his pull up alot of the time but he is now much more vocal when he needs to go.
The advice I would give other parents is don't stress about it. I put way to much pressure on myself and on my son, it will happen but it will do so when he is ready.

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