Monday 17 October 2016

Halloween Movies For Children

At the moment Oisìn is slightly too young to watch all the Halloween movies aimed at children
so I have divided this post into toddler friendly Halloween movies and then some for older children.

Spookley The Square Pumpkin (2005) Cert U
We watched this over the weekend and Oisìn really enjoyed this story of Spookley
the pumpkin who is square instead of round and feels very lonely because he is different.
His friends the bats, spiders and a Scarecrow show him how special he is and it's okay to be different. It's not scary at all but a nice seasonal tale

Monsters Inc (2001) Cert U
This is one of Oisìn's favourite movies he loves Pixar and this is a go to movie for when he is feeling poorly. This about the world of Monsters and to fuel there world Monsters must harvest the screams of the children they scare at bedtime. It sounds very scary when put like that but this is Disney/Pixar so it is a funny gentle lovely tale. Oisìn's favourites are Sully and Boo but I find Billy Crystal as Mike very funny! 

Scooby Doo (2002) Cert PG
This is one of the hubby's favourites and he recently introduced Oisìn to it, while the little guy liked most of it we did need to fast forward some of the more scary scenes at the end of the movie. He loves the new cartoons of Scooby Doo and while most of this movie held his attention I think it might have just been a bit long for a toddler.
The gang are brought to a strange island to solve the weird things happening. While the mystery isn't much of a mystery I do really like the casting of this movie.

Casper (1995) Cert PG
Now this brings back memories of my childhood I went to see this in the cinema with my family when I was around 10! I loved it and had a huge crush on Devon Sawa who played Casper towards the end of the movie!! Kat and her Father move into a huge mansion when her Father is hired to get rid of the ghosts that haunt there by a heiress. Kat soon becomes friends with Casper the young friendly ghost who lives there, he falls in love with Kat, but she is struggling to fit in at her new school. In the end it's up to Kat and her Father to help the ghosts move on to the other side.
I haven't watched this yet with Oisìn but I think he will enjoy it but we might have to fast forward some of the scarier scenes!

Hocus Pocus (1993) Cert PG
We watched this over the weekend Oisìn didn't bother with it much to be honest
but he did dance around to the party scene when Bette Milder sings I'll Put A Spell On You
we had to rewind that scene four times for Oisìn to sing and dance too!
Other than that he didn't seem to care about the movie he like the talking cat, but I think this movie is for older children but not to scary to have on while younger children are in the room.
I love this movie it's a Sunday afternoon movie from my childhood! The Sanderson sisters are some of the most evil witches on film! Yet even as a young child I could tell how cool they actually where!

Monster House (2006) Cert PG
Oisìn was quite scared of this when I showed it to him the other day
So I turned it off although it's PG I would say it's for older kids around 6 upwards
It's about three early teens who discover the house in there neighbourhood is a real

Now here is my list for older children

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1995) Cert PG
While this is one of my favourite Halloween and Christmas movies Oisìn is just too young to watch it with me yet. I know its far too creepy and scary for him to enjoy yet without him having serious nightmares! I first watched this on a Christmas Eve night with my brother I think I was around 11 or 12 and I loved it! The whole premise of the Jack The Pumpkin King who was bored of the same old thing, found Christmas land and decided to take it for himself with disastrous results! The score, the songs and the creepy Tim Burton animation I adored it!
In a few years time I look forward to sharing it with Oisìn

The Witches (1990) Cert PG
Now this was one that gave me nightmares! This Roald Dahl book turned movie scared the living daylights out of me when I was a kid. This was another one I remember watching on a Sunday afternoon its about a somewhat spoiled young boy Luke who is staying with his Grandmother in a fancy old hotel when he stumbles across a witches convention. He watches as the leader (Anjelica Huston) reveals her true witch like self. I think that stayed with me my whole childhood!! That scene itself makes this movie for older kids! Luke must try stop the witches go through with there plan to rid England of all children!

The Adams Family (1991) Cert PG
This is a Halloween family classic. A new take on the classic 1960's show a con artist tells the family he is there long lost eccentric Uncle. The cast in this movie is what makes it for me Anjelica Huston as Mortica, Raul Juila as Gomez, Christopher Lloyd as Fester and Christina Ricci as Wednesday.

The Monster Squad (1987) Cert PG-13
I have spoke of myself and hubby's love for this movie on this blog before, hubby watched this as a young child and it stayed with him ever since. I finally managed to get a copy on DVD for him one Christmas and I watched it and totally fell in love with it too! It's very like The Goonies but with classic monsters Dracula, The Wolf Man, Frankenstein, The Mummy and Gill-man. It has 80's music montages, a cute little girl who becomes friends with Frankenstein and of course a group of kids who have to stop this monster squad.
It is definitely one for the older kids there is violent, sexual innuendos and a very intense Dracula who choke holds one of the young hero's! Look past all the cheese and it's a Halloween classic!

So that's our list of Halloween movies to watch with your kids
Would you add any?

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