Tuesday 6 August 2013

Bump To Baby - 18 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is now the size of a sweet potato
- Baby is more active this week flexing it's arms and legs
- I am feeling more hungry this week!!
- Still waiting to feel any movement this week 

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 18 Weeks

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip

Gender Of Baby?: We don't know and we have decided that at our next scan we are not going to find out that sex of little blip. We honestly don't care if blip is a girl or a boy we just want a happy and healthy baby. I think not knowing is going to add to the excitement and it will be a nice surprise when the time comes.

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: None yet Bio Oil is great!

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: Yes I was wearing the same three / four outfits all the time! So I knew it was time to get some maternity clothes. I didn't want to buy online so I went to a few stores (Next, New Look, H&M, Marks&Spencer) that I knew had maternity sections well I say sections it was really one or two rails of clothes and it wasn't a nice experience!! I was very nearly pulling my hair out!! In the end I did manage to find a nice pair of bootcut jeans (what's with all the skinny jeans?!) a tunic dress a nice top and two jumpers. Think I will be online shopping from now on as there seems to be a much better and bigger selection. 

Any Movement Yet?: None this week still waiting to feel some movement from little blip getting a little impatient now. My friend told me she didn't feel anything on her son until 20/21 weeks so might have a few more weeks wait!

How Is Sleeping?: Sleep is getting a lot better! Finding it hard to fall asleep but once I do I am getting around 5/6 hours sleep before I wake to go the toilet! Which is a huge improvement on what I was getting!

Any Nausea?: I did have a little last Wednesday I was rushing around trying to eat on the go and it didn't really work out well as I felt quite sick afterwards! 

Food Cravings?: None this week!

Food Aversions?: Still fish!

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: No nothing this week

Symptoms This Week?: Really bad lower back pain. Acne not as bad a past weeks but its still there, funny I have been using really expensive things on my face with nothing clearing up. I found a tub of Sudocream and put it on my affected areas and the acne cleared up over night! Just goes to show how an old time favourite which is as cheap as chips can be even better than the expensive high branded things! 

Worst Moment Of the Week?: No worst moments this week just a few uncomfortable ones with bad back pain.

Best Moment Of the Week?: Buying our first few bits for little blip. Some might say its too early but I couldn't help it! We picked up a few little things clothes, bottles and blankets etc. We are trying not to go crazy as we know we will get a lot off family and friends.

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