Tuesday 20 August 2013

Bump To Baby - 20 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is now the size of a cantaloupe melon 
- We are at the half way point yippee!!
- Had my midwife appointment this week and little blip decided to play hide and seek! After a tense ten minutes the midwife finally found blip's heart beat and we could relax again!
- At the midwife appointment myself and blip measurements where off. So we had a rushed hospital appointment at the hospital we had a mini scan and doctor told us baby is measuring fine I just have a little more fluid than normal but its nothing to worry about
- Little blip's first kick was on Saturday night while Paul was watching match of the day!!

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 20 Weeks or 5 Months and we are at the halfway point!

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip

Gender Of Baby?: Don't Know

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: Still none yet thanks to Bio Oil and Garnier Body Lotion! 

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: Nothing new this week. I will do a maternity haul post of what I have bought so far later this week.

Any Movement Yet?: YES finally!! I have been feeling little flutters since Friday night! Mainly when I am relaxed with my feet up I feel it but I did get it while doing house work singing along to Stevie Nicks!!! Little blip's first kick was while Paul was watching Match of the Day Saturday night!! Can't wait to feel some more!

How Is Sleeping?: When I finally get to sleep I am getting a good nights sleep but I am finding it hard to get to sleep. Going to try wind down an hour before I go to bed from now on and hopefully that will help. 

Any Nausea?: None!

Food Cravings?: Still milk, cheese, yogurt and dairy products.

Food Aversions?: Fish still can't look at it. I am even going past the aisle while shopping without looking at it!

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: No nothing this week!

Symptoms This Week?: Back aches, indigestion has got really bad this week! Round ligament pain and cramping again this week. Acne also came back this week :(

Worst Moment Of the Week?: When at the midwife's appointment and we could find a heart beat for a good ten minutes my heart was in my mouth!! I don't think I could breath until we finally heard little blip's strong heart beat!

Best Moment Of the Week?: Two best moments this week. After months of saving we finally got a new car which I have called Betsy! It great that things seem to be come together for us after a few months of not being sure of a few things. 
Even better than getting a car was feeling little blip's first kick!! I have been getting flutters since Friday night, got lots all day Saturday and on Saturday night I was reading a book and Paul was watching match of the day and I got the first little kick from Blip!! It made me say "ooh" out loud Paul thought there was something wrong he was so happy when I told him especially as it happened during match of the day!! I have felt a lot more fluttering since then and can't wait to feel some more kicks!


  1. Hiya, i've just been having a catch up in the blog world, i've moved out with Nath now so it's been quite a busy time for me, sorry i havent stopped by on here much.
    It's lovely to see you blooming so nicely, looks like you may have a football fan on your hands if your baby's first kick was when match of the day was on lol.
    I hope your doing well, you seem it.
    Take Care

    1. Yippee your back!! I have missed your comments and blog posts, you must do a blog post about moving out! It's a non stop time your first time leaving home! Good luck in your new home can't wait to read about it!
      Yep looks like we have a football fan on our hands haha!
      Hope your well xx


Thanks for the comment Paul & I really appreciate them.

You can also get in touch with us at mrslfurey101@gmail.com

Thanks The Furey Follies


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