Thursday 15 August 2013

What I Ate Thursday!!!

Hey all here is what I ate today:

Paul surprised me with breakfast in bed this morning! It was my new favourite avocado, tomatoes, black pepper, salt and streaky bacon this time it was on pitta bread! I had it with a large glass of orange juice and my prenatal tablets.

I had a homemade soda bread sandwich with ham, cheese, tomato and spring onion with a packet of cheese and onion crisps and a bottle of water.

We had chicken fajitas for dinner tonight. I am not sure why but I have been craving Mexican food lately with lots of fresh vegetables. We had chicken fajitas with chorizo, green and red peppers, tomatoes, spring onions, lettuce and cheese. I have also been craving milk so I had two large glasses of milk with my dinner!

Snacks / Treats
As I have been craving diary products lately! I had some really yummy chocolate Ben and Jerry's ice cream after dinner tonight it was so good!!

So that's what I scoffed today!

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