Tuesday 27 August 2013

Bump To Baby - 21 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is now the length of a banana
- Baby can now get the hiccups!
- Felt lots of fluttering and kicks from baby this week!
- Major cravings for milk this week drinking pints of it!
- Nesting started this week! I really went into spring clean mood! Throwing things out and rearranging things!

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 21 Weeks

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip

Gender Of Baby?: We don't know!!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: None yet still using Bio Oil although my belly has been quite itchy this week so I have been using more Bio Oil and Garnier body lotion than normal!

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: Paul bought me a dress and shoes for a wedding we are going to in a few weeks. He bought them as part of our second wedding anniversary presents!

Any Movement Yet?: Lots of movement this week and I am enjoying it so much it still takes me by surprise when I get a strong kick. Lots of fluttering its just the most beautiful feeling! There is a little patterning to blip's movements I feel a little in the mornings when I am getting ready for work, sometime some more fluttering in the afternoons and then lots in the evening times when I am chilled out and relaxed. It's funny because I get stronger kicks when I am eating as if to say about time I'm hungry or after I have ate as if to say I enjoyed that!! 

How Is Sleeping?: Sleeping is quite good at the moment I have took to reading before bed and its makes me more relaxed so I can nod off easier. My pregnant pillow is great and it helps me get a good nights sleep.

Any Nausea?: I have noticed that I have been getting a little nausea if I am hungry! The other day in work I didn't bring any snacks and I got bad nausea! Another time I felt quite sick I had a small snack and I was fine again, I also got a big kick from blip as if to say about time!!

Food Cravings?: Still milk, cheese and yogurts but also avocados (again!) and I am loving guacamole with everything!!!

Food Aversions?: Still fish but not as bad as before I can now actually look at it while out food shopping and the TV ads don't bother me as much any more!

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: Nothing I can think of this week!

Symptoms This Week?: Still getting round ligament pain which I a not enjoying :( Also sore boobs as they are growing again!! Lower back pain, acne cleared up for a few weeks but is back again and its sooooo bad! Nausea when I am hungry! I have also notice that my belly button is poking out a little...not sure I want a outie belly button!!!

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Missing my little brother, I am finding it a little hard to know little blip will never know it's fun Uncle Patrick. I know my brother is always with me but I just wish he could met little blip. I like to believe Patrick will be little blip's angel. 
Also getting a bit of a head cold this weekend trying to get rid of it before it developed into a bad cold so vitamin C and vaporub was used all weekend!! 

Best Moment Of the Week?: Paul feeling blip move on Thursday night he had been trying to feel blip move for a few days but it always seemed to stop when he tried to feel! On Thursday night little blip was going crazy with kicking just as we where about to go asleep! Paul put his hand on my bump and felt around five kicks one after the other! Paul's face was such a picture I love how amazed he looks when stuff like this happens! Also another lovely moment was catching up with my Uncle and Goddaughter this weekend it was great to catch up we had a lovely day. Plus my Uncle is a chef and he cooked the most delicious dinner!! 

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