Friday 16 August 2013

Love / Hate


* Smokers who blow smoke in your face - If you want to smoke that's fine it's your choice but please don't sit beside a pregnant woman at a bus stop and light up a cigarette and blow it in her face! I always have to move away and its not fair!

* The atmosphere in work at the moment - People in my job are not getting on I have witness horrible behaviour from grown adults. I am not involved thankfully but its not a nice atmosphere to go into work too.

* Rude people when out shopping - I find this so annoying when out shopping and people push past you, hit off you and don't apologise.

* Public Transport - Well Dublin Bus mainly so annoying when we time a bus and it goes past you just as you get to the bus stop 15 minutes early!


* ASOS website - The maternity section in this website is amazing! I wish I found it earlier before I spent €150 on maternity clothes I only half like! I bought three dresses, a pair of tights and a top for €50!! Bargain! I also found a dress for a wedding we are going to and a lovely pair of shoes!

* Ben & Jerry's Ice cream - I am having some major cravings for ice cream (any dairy food at the moment) and am loving the flavour fish food and cookie dough.

* That we are finally got a new car - Our money came through and now we finally got a new car after months of saving! A red clio and we named her Betsy!

* Game of Thrones - What are amazing TV show I totally love it can't wait for season four!

What are you loving and hating at the moment?

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