Sunday 18 August 2013

Stressful Events & Changing Times!

Since we found out I was pregnant we have had some stressful and eventful times! We where delighted when we found out after trying for what felt like forever! Since then there have been a number of eventful/stressful things happen.

On the way home from our first scan we where on the bus to my parents and a person walked in front of the bus and got knocked down! Needless to say this was a quite shocking thing to witness and all the bus passengers then got questioned by the police.

After that we went on holiday (a well needed one) the holiday was wonderful! Relaxing, sun, sand and chilling out just what we needed until we where coming home! When our holiday rep forgot to collect people at our hotel and the hotel across from us! Cue waiting around for two hours in the dark not knowing what's going on! Trying to ring our rep with no luck! In the end the rep realised her mistake and collected us all forty minutes before the flight was meant to take off!

The hubby then lost his keys and wallet in the space of a few days...stressful days of getting keys cut and cancelling bank cards ensued! 

A few days after that we almost got run down by a crazy lady driver at a pedestrian crossing! We where mid way across the road when she came speeding into the car park drove half way into the pedestrian crossing and stopped inches away from my face!! Paul had a few harsh words for her!

I then witnessed in work some shocking behaviour from a adult who was aggressive and a bully. I wasn't involved but work wasn't a very nice place to go into for a while. Thankfully in the last couple of weeks the situation has been solved and work is now a nice place to be again.

We now have been getting annoyed with our landlord's lack of ability to get anything sorted for us quickly i.e if anything breaks or needs to get fixed he doesn't do anything about it until we a literally ringing him ten times a day about it! So very annoying!

We are now ready for a change and after a few stressful events things seem to be fitting into place for us.
I got great news that I got another year contract with my job (its government funded and I wasn't sure if I would get two years out of it) I really do like my job. It's only part time but it gets me out and about meeting different people. Plus the money helps also! I plan to go on my maternity leave the end of November until the start of May hopefully all will go to plan!

We finally got a new car! After a year of saving we got our new little car its a red renault clio who I named Betsy! Its a great little family car with just enough space for all of Blip's stuff! Paul got a really good deal on car insurance which was another bonus.

And finally we will be moving from this small one bedroom apartment which we called home for the past three years! Ideally we would like to move before blip is born so that we could get blip nice and settled without having to move again in a couple of months. It also would be nice to move before this place becomes over crowed with baby stuff, but we have to be realistic and we are not sure that our budget will stretch to moving out before Christmas. So we are aiming to move out in February little blip should be two months by then and I can help with moving and packing without a huge bump! I am looking forward to our last Christmas in our apartment before we say goodbye and move on to a bigger place!

So exciting and changing times ahead!

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