Friday 9 August 2013

Currently I Am.....

I haven't done one of these posts in forever so here is what I am currently doing:

Currently I Am:

Listening To:

I love this man's voice his newish album is amazing. I love his version of She Move's Through The Fair and Falling Slowly. Think I am a little bit in love with him just don't tell the hubby!!

A huge glass of water trying to get 2.5 ltrs in a day! It's hard and a little boring so I try change it up with some strawberry water and some blackcurrant juice with water.


Maternity top, cardigan, maternity jeans and what Paul likes to call my crazy lady slippers! I don't care they are comfie and that's all that matters when your pregnant!

Some more maternity clothes! Its crazy how much clothes you need I am out growing clothes every day!


A new car maybe not this car but we do need to try get a car in the next few weeks. It's getting harder for me to walk to the bus stop and with the bus strike this week I had no way of getting to work so a car is vital at the moment.


Being pregnant!

What are you currently doing?

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