Tuesday 2 July 2013

Bump to Baby - 13 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is the size of a peach
- Those tiny fingers how have developed fingerprints
- We had our dating scan this week 
- Baby is 8.7cm according to our scan

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 13 Weeks 

Nickname For Baby?: Since we found out at 5 weeks pregnant we have called this little one our little blip!

Gender Of Baby?: Don't know but when I saw the little image on our scan I immediately thought of a little girl!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: None Yet 

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: Only three bras from Mothercare has I have gone up two cup sizes already!

Any Movement Yet?: None that I can feel yet

How Is Sleeping?: Sleeping at night is not great waking up to go to the toilet three times a night! Trying to get use to sleeping on my side as I always sleep on my back which I can't do any more! Must invest in a pregnancy pillow!

Any Nausea?: Very bad nausea and vomiting when I ate an apple on Saturday either little blip does not like apples at all or the acid in the apple did not agree with me.

Food Cravings?: Had the strangest craving this week for Jamie Oliver's chicken and mushroom pie! Paul being the wonderful husband he is went and got all the ingredients for it and made it for me. It was yummy!

Food Aversions?: Because of my nausea apples and also watermelon!

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: Prawns and chicken liver pate!

Symptoms This Week?: Nausea on Saturday, sore boobs and very bad acne! I have had a horrible cold and sore throat so have had fatigue this week. Have been sleeping alot!

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Definitely having this stinking cold and sore throat. At one stage I was so bad I didn't think I could get my scan done! I felt a lot better on the day of the scan so that was good but it still haven't fully cleared up. The last few days has been spent drinking/eating chicken soup, drinking honey with lemon and topping up my vitamin C as much as I can!

Best Moment Of the Week?: Getting our dating scan done for sure! This little one has being wanted for so long and after a long time trying to get pregnant,  to see that little life that we created on screen well words can't even describe how we felt! I was having crazy dreams the night before so I was a little nervous when we got there but the nurse was lovely. Little blip was having a sleep she said Aw we have a sleepy baby its not going to like us waking it up! And little blip didn't like being woke (takes after Mammy that way!) blip kicked its legs and waved its hands to show us how it didn't like being woke! I looked at Paul's face at one point during the scan he didn't notice me but I will never forget the look of awe and amazement on his face. We are both still on cloud nine and it will be a while before we come down!

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