Thursday 25 July 2013

What I Ate Thursday

Hey everyone here is what I ate today:

Breakie was the same as last week avocado, tomato and streaky bacon but on a french baguette. I had a glass of orange juice with ice to take my prenatal tablet with.

I had a subway for lunch today! I had a sub with chicken, bacon, lettuce, red onion and extra gherkin! A packet of cheese and onion crisps with a diet coke! Quite a large lunch today!

Paul made Jamie Oliver's chicken and mushroom pie a favourite of mine! You can find the recipe here we had it with potato gratin and salad (out of picture) I had a glass of blackcurrant juice with it.

Snacks / Treats
I have been loving cold large chocolate buttons from the fridge with strawberries so I ate some of these while watching some TV this evening lovey!!

So that's what I ate today! What did you eat?

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