Friday 26 July 2013

Dear Friday.......

Dear Friday.....
- Work has been a bit of a nightmare this week, lazy people are so annoying so I am glad your here!

Dear Weekend......
- Don't go to quick I need 48 hours to relax!

Dear Summer......
- You have been great BBQ's, family time and great weather. Don't go away just yet!

Dear Apartment.....
- You are getting small by the it time to leave you and move on to a house?

Dear Hubby.....
- Thank you for looking after me and blip so much you are great and we love you so much!

Dear Blip.......
- Looking at my bump growing everyday makes me know you are getting bigger and stronger. Not long now till I feel you kick. Knowing when I'm alone I am not really alone makes my heart smile. Daddy and I love you very much x


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