Tuesday 30 July 2013

Bump To Baby - 17 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is now the size of a large onion
- Baby's brain is now developing the sense of touch, smell, and taste
- Baby can now hear sound
- Played Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks and Sarah Brightman to bump this week!

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 17 Weeks

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip!

Gender Of Baby?: We don't know but I am still thinking a girl!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: None yet still using Bio Oil

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: Nothing new this week still trying to get a little bit longer out of my clothes before I buy new stuff!

Any Movement Yet?: None yet

How Is Sleeping?: Sleeping is getting better but still not great! Still only waking twice a night to go to the toilet but its getting hard to get comfortable as bump gets bigger!

Any Nausea?: None this week I am hoping I may be past that stage :)

Food Cravings?: None this week!

Food Aversions?: Still fish can't bear the sight of it!

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: I am missing a good nights sleep the most this week. Since I got pregnant my sleep pattern went out the window! So I am missing a full night of uninterrupted sleep!

Symptoms This Week?: Very bad lower back pain, still bad acne and fatigue is back due to low iron. My doctor said last week that my iron levels where low and I am now on another iron tablet a day along with been told to eat plenty of green vegetables so hopefully next week my fatigue will be gone.

Worst Moment Of the Week?: It has to be last Friday when a crazy lady driver almost knocked me down at at pedestrian crossing! The cars had stopped for Paul and I on the other side of the road we where crossing when a mad lady driving into the car park came speeding at us wasn't looking at what she was doing and stopped inches away from my face. Only for Paul pulled me out of the way I think she would of knocked me down! She did look like she was in shock but Paul had some harsh words of her along the lines of pay attention when you drive, don't drive at that speed into a car park and do you even know the rules of the road!! In the end I was okay just a little shook up thank God for looking over us.

Best Moment Of the Week?: Not just for this week but since I found out I was pregnant Paul has been amazing! Back when I had terrible morning sickness he was there rubbing my back as I puked (romantic I know) he was there with a cold flannel for my face. He was happy to eat the blandest of food (well maybe not happy but he never said anything) he walked me to work just to make sure I got there okay. Now he still cooks dinner most days, does last minute runs to the shops when I am craving avocados or gherkins! If I fall sleep on the sofa in the afternoon he puts a blanket over me, he has just been great and I couldn't as for more. I just know he is going to make an amazing Daddy.

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