Tuesday 16 July 2013

Bump To Baby - 15 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is now the size of orange
- Baby can now bend its wrist and elbow
- It's little fingers can curl and make a fist
- Bump has got bigger again this week, woman in a shop thought I was due in Sept!!

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 15 Weeks

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip!

Gender Of Baby?: Don't know and we don't care once little blip is healthy but I still have a strong feeling of a girl!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: None yet! Mama Bee body cream is all used up so I am now trying Bio Oil.

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: Yep, as I am fast running out of clothes that fit me I bought bras, knickers, tights, bump belt, leggings and tops this week. As well as a maternity pillow which I am loving so comfy and great back support.

Any Movement Yet?: None Yet!

How Is Sleeping?: Sleeping has been a little bad this week with the heat we are having here its hard to sleep at night even with our new fan on so I am back to napping during the day which I stopped a few weeks ago. The heat has me exhausted during the day so napping seems to be the only thing I want to do!

Any Nausea?: None this week....its great that I seem to be having a break from it.

Food Cravings?: Pickled gherkins loving them in sandwiches, burgers and even on there own! Hummus and celery sticks and large glasses of milk! 

Food Aversions?: Nothing this week which is great long may it continue! 

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: Crap meat, prawns and large glasses of white wine!

Symptoms This Week?: Really bad acne, my skin thinks I am a teenager again this week very bad break out this week :( Gas/Trapped wind getting this allot especially at night anyone know what I can do for this? Sore boobs and lower back pain.

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Hasn't been a worst moment this week just a few uncomfortable moments with the heat wave finding it hard to sleep and also having a lot of trapped wind which is giving me cramps at night :(

Best Moment Of the Week?: My Dad putting down the deposit on our pram/travel set glad to see my parents loved it as much as we did! Its lovely to see how excited our parents are, my Mam is so excited to be a Granny for the first time.  

Some of my maternity goodies I bought this week
Loving my new pillow!
Starting to feel like this! 

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