Tuesday 9 July 2013

Bump To Baby - 14 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is the size of a lemon
- Baby can now frown, squint and suck its thumb!
- Bump has popped out this week! Too early for a bump?!

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 14 Weeks 

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip!

Gender Of Baby?: Don't know but have a strong feeling its a baby girl!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: None yet using Burt's Bee Mamma Bee Body Cream

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: No new ones yet

Any Movement Yet?: No too early yet

How Is Sleeping?: Sleeping has been good this week :)

Any Nausea?: None this week which is great!

Food Cravings?: Eggs, doesn't matter if there scrambled, boiled, fried or poached just loving eggs! Oh and fizzy sour sweets!

Food Aversions?: None this week

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: Nope

Symptoms This Week?: Fatigue, emotions a little up/down and acne!

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Feeling always tired and this sore throat hasn't gone away so I think its time I took myself off to the doctor as I think this might be an infection and not just a symptom of a cold. Still out of work as I am too unwell to go back just yet.

Best Moment Of the Week?: Sad moment and yet a nice moment too. I went to the UK with my parents to say our farewells to my Great Uncle who passed away. It was a bitter sweet moment of saying goodbye but lovely to see all my family in the UK and tell them our news.

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