Monday 15 July 2013

Five Things 20/52

What a beautiful weekend it was! The weather is cheering everyone up and for once it feels like we are getting a proper summer! I have to be honest and say I can't really enjoy the weather as much as I would like as for me being pregnant and summer heat doesn't really go together but I am trying to enjoy it as much as I can. So here are my five things from the weekend:

Showing my parents the pram/travel set I fell in love with and then for my Dad to surprise us by putting down the deposit on it! Love my parents x

Buying pretty things that FIT me in Mothercare!!

Yummy Saturday Morning breakfast of danish and orange juice!

My new pregnancy pillow which I am loving great back support and its making a nights sleep so much better I actually slept right through the night last night with this!!

Our new fan has been a life saver this weekend we have it on when we get up straight through to night time! For me it has been amazing! Never thought I would get excited over fans and pillows but this is what pregnancy does to you!!

What is your five things from over the weekend?

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