Monday 29 July 2013

Five Things 22/52

This weekend was a fairly quite one for us. Paul was working this weekend and I always hate the weekends he has to work as its mostly filled with boring house work for me! Anyhow here are five things from this weekend.

Here at Furey Follies we are a little slow on the up take! After this show being on TV three years we have only started to watch it the past month or so. A friend of ours has the three seasons on DVD and gave us a lend to watch them from the start. I wasn't sure if I would like it, in fact I was sure it wasn't my cup of tea....while how wrong was I in the past few days we have watched the whole of season two and are now on episode six from the three season. It has fast become my favourite way to relax in the evening! Love it!

Crispy roast duck pancakes my favourite Friday night dinner yummy!

On Friday after work I bought some flowers to brighten up the apartment a little when I got home from work I was shattered left the flowers in the sink and went for a nap. When I woke Paul had tried his best to arrange the flowers and put them in a vase I had to laugh when I saw them! Of course I cut them down and put them in a different vase but he tried his best!

Saturday night pizza we ate this as we watched more Game of Thrones!

Lazy Sunday morning breakfast!

That's my five things whats yours?

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