Wednesday 31 July 2013

What We Got Up To This Month - July 2013


- We went to Coventry looking at the Lady Godiva clock in the square
- My Uncle Paddy's wake
- My wonderful Father in Law playing at the wake
- The Fureys & Davey Arthur playing at my Uncle's wake
- Dancing to the Fureys at the wake
- My beautiful family gave my Uncle such a lovely send off
- Sunny days in the park
- Catching up on TV
- Eating sweets
- Loving in love with a pram!
- Watching little blip grow
- Where has my feet gone?
- Many days and nights spend with this fan on!
- Yummy summer dinners!
- Date night with treats
- New favourite breakie
- Blip/bump is getting bigger!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, how's the pregnancy going?! I'm off work today as I was feeling pretty sick this morning - I'm really not enjoying pregnancy! Slightly terrified that a baby is actually going to come out at some point...
    Have you thought about getting one of those support pillows for when you sleep? I think that might be my next purchase!
    Becky x


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Thanks The Furey Follies


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