Tuesday 27 October 2015

Bump To Baby - Oisín's 22 Month Update

He started part time daycare which he loves!
Enjoys helping me do chores around the house
Can name his different body parts eyes, ears, mouth, hair etc
Can name different objects in his books cat, ball, fish, baby, etc

He is still a funny little personality
He is very independent and really likes to do things himself
He is still finding sharing very hard but has got better at it since starting daycare
He is fast becoming a little chatter box and loves to ramble to us even if we don't know everything he is saying!

How Many Months Old?: 22 months old!

How Is Oisín Eating?: Oisín loves his food and his diet has expanded even more after starting daycare. He now loves, chili, chicken curry and casseroles. He eats more spicy food, with peppers, onions and garlic in it! He still loves his fruit and bananas are still his favourite!

How Is Oisín Sleeping?: Normally Oisín is sleeping very well. The three days he is in daycare he comes home at lunch time when I am home from work and has a two hour nap. He still sleeps through the night and loves his own bedroom. The past few weeks have been hard on him as he had an ear infection and now has another ear infection and also a throat infection so he doing his best to sleep at night!

Is Oisín Talking Yet?: Since starting daycare Oisín has come on so well with his talking. He says lots of words now and can now name objects. He loves to babble on and sit and "read" his books. He is fast becoming a little chatter box!

How is Oisín Routine?: 
Oisín wakes around 6.30am-7am every morning he has small bowl of cereal and a yogurt drink
Then around 8.30 he will have a small cooked breakfast or toast
If I am in work he will be with my Mam on Tuesdays and they play go to the play ground and to the shops
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are daycare mornings he does be in daycare from 9am till 1.30pm he gets snacks and a large lunch there. He loves it and has made lots of friends. On daycare days he will nap from 2pm till around 4pm!
After nap time he goes out to play in the front garden with his neighbour friends or plays on his swing set in the back garden
Dinner is normal 5.30pm or 6pm he loves most foods and thankful he isn't a fussy eater
Tuesdays are swimming nights and stays up a little later to go swimming with his Daddy and will be in bed around 8.15pm
Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays are bath days he has a bath and will be in bed by 7.30pm

How is Mammy & Daddy this Month?: We are good planning Christmas and also Oisín's 2nd birthday (I can hardly believe we are almost at that time again) We are looking forward to having some date night time again soon

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