Monday 26 October 2015

Over The Weekend #6

It's a long weekend here in Ireland
as today is a Bank Holiday
We had a nice weekend
Oisín is sick with a throat and ear infection
hubby still can't shift his cold and cough
and now I'm finally down with a cough and ear infection
cold season has really took hold here in the Furey household!
That said we did try and do a few things this weekend!

We wrapped up tight and went to the park
and play ground
Oisín normally loves the play ground but he was happy enough just
walking beside us, He didn't seem in the form for swings or slides!
Afterwards we went to Mothercare to buy a new stroller as our old one
broke over the week. We picked a nice red chico stroller which Oisín seems happy with!

We decided to treat Oisín to a Burger King
everyone needs treats when there poorly!

 He totally rocks that burger king crown!
We then went to visit Paul's parents
Oisín loves his Grandparent especially
when Granddad Eddie sings to him!

 Some treats for Mammy and Daddy after Oisín went to bed
Wine, takeout and X Factor!

 Who needs an extra hour in bed when
you can have an extra hour watching Cbeebies!

Done alot of reading over the weekend

Finished off the weekend with a bottle of Cava
trying to make ourselves feel better while watching Downton Abbey

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