Thursday 15 October 2015

My Keep Fit Routine!

My fitness took a hit when I had my son almost two years ago
before that I liked to keep fit went to the gym, swimming and took long walks
I have never been a person who really like to work out unlike my hubby
but I did enjoy seeing the results of working out in the mirror!
Even when I was pregnant I tried to keep walking and swimming
until the later stages of pregnancy when my pelvis dropped and I was put on bed rest

After I had this little one I enjoyed taking walks in the park beside our apartment. I would bundle this till one up and spend an hour our so walking and getting fresh air. Soon afterwards we moved and this is when my fitness routine stopped. I went back to work and with the hubby working full time, I found it hard to balance, work, home, being a Mum and fitness into my day. I put on weight didn't eat right, got sick and unfit.
This year after trying to lose weight and get back to the gym it just wasn't working for me
Until I starting Slimming World and decided the best way to fit fitness into my life was routine!
Classes in the evening are the best way to get some fitness in my life!

Monday are my day off work
so Oisín and I will go for a walk in the park in the mornings. We will bring a ball and have a kick about, feed the ducks, collect pebbles and flowers
Then Monday evening my friend and I do aqua fit which I love and it always gives me a great work out
Tuesday evenings are aqua fit again
Every second Friday evening I go to yoga classes
I try to walk to work every day and walk home from collecting Oisín from creche
We try to bring Oisín to the park most weekend do get some more exercise in!
At them moment this works for me in the future I would like to add another class maybe one of the weekend mornings
I hope to not let my fitness drop again and it makes me feel so much better
Fit body fit mind!

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