Monday 5 October 2015

Over The Weekend #4

We didn't do much this weekend
as Paul was working again
Oisín and I went for walks in the park
collected some Autumn leafs 
We had friends over Saturday night for some food
Then we chilled out on Sunday!
Poor Oisín is cutting his last three teeth so Sunday
was much fun for him or me as his temperature went really
high and I was almost going to the hospital
He seems a little better today but not great
so not alot of sleep was had last night!

Feet up on Friday night with a
glass of wine watching Gogglebox!

 Oisín and I went for long walks in the park
on Saturday

 Before I went and got my nails done

Sunday morning Slimming World breakfast

 Sunday afternoon was spent
looking after this poor teething little man

 So when Paul got home I
enjoyed one of these watching the rugby

Yummy Sunday dinner!

Finished off the weekend
with a mint hot chocolate while
watching Downton Abbey

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