Thursday 29 October 2015

This Month I Have Mostly Been Reading - October

I have finally got my reading mojo back! Since Oisín has moved into his own room I can read again in bed with the winter and the long nights drawing in my favourite thing to do is climb into bed with a book! I rejoined the local library and have dived into a pile of books! This is what I read this month

What Would Mary Mary Do?

I blame it on The Great British Bake off but I love anything to do with baking and Mary Berry at the moment so when I saw this book at the library I knew I just had to read it!
Marie is a working Mum of three Angus 15 and 9 year old twins Rose and Iris with herself and her husband working full time she doesn't have the time to be the perfect housewife and Mum. She doesn't seem to mind that she isn't great at everything until the annual school fete when her daughters have forgotten to tell she has meant to have baked this years Show Stopper! After buying some shop bought cakes Marie vows that this time next year she will have the skills to bake something amazing! This is a vow she has made before but when her neighbour and nemesis Lucy turns up with an outstanding cake Marie knows she just has to bake something better next year. The book follows Marie through the next year of baking seeing her failures and triumphs.
Marie is such a good character, funny and honest. I loved the relationship between her and husband good to see a strong marriage and how they made each other laugh. No husband bashing as so many other chic lit do. The book is funny, clever and very witty. I loved how each chapter started with a letter or email and the different cake for each occasion.

Habits of The House

I knew a little about this book before I picked it up. I knew it was written by the same woman who wrote Upstairs Downstairs, so I knew it would have that kind of feel to it.
It's London 1899 and the Earl of Dilbert has found himself on the brink of financial ruin. His wife is more upset to find out he once kept a mistress, as she knows the best way out of financial problems is marriage. She plans to marry her only son Arthur off to a new money heiress from Chicago Minnie O'Brien. Minnie has got a few rather large skeletons in her closet but then again so has Arthur!
This book will appeal to anyone who has watched Upstairs Downstairs or Downton Abbey. There wasn't as much class level detail which I was really hoping for, and not one of the characters are very likable!
That said I did really enjoy this book and read it very quickly. I have gone on to now read the second book in the trilogy. I found the small chapters easy to read and the characters easy to remember. If you like Downton and costume drama but don't want a heavy book to read you might enjoy this.

Long Live The King

I found the first book in this trilogy a quite enjoyable read so was looking forward to reading this second book, but it fell flat. The story line was quite boring and wasn't as gripping at the first book.
It's set in 1901 almost three years after the events of the first novel. Queen Victoria is dead and Bertie is arranging his coronation. Minnie is settling into her role as the new heiress but missing her family terrible. I dislike the story line of the royal family asking the family for advice and the whole missing invites for the coronation went on for a little too long! In this second book we are induced to Adela the young niece of the Earl of Dilbert who's parents die and she is left with no one or nothing. I found it strange that the Earl didn't seem to care his brother died and didn't got to Adela's aid at once. Two lower class characters are added in Adela's housemaid Ivy and her boyfriend George their storyline was a strange one and one I didn't really like. Their was little or no class level detail which I was disappointed with, I will read the last book in the trilogy to find out what happens to the family but I was expecting a lot more from this book.

What Oisín has been reading this Month!

What Should I Wear Huggle Buggle Bear?

I have always read to Oisín since he was a tiny baby and now he loves his bedtime story's
He even has his own library card and we take two books out for him each month
This month is was Guess How Much I Love You In Autumn and this book
What Should I wear Huggle Buggle Bear
Oisín really like the big pretty illustrations
It's a little story about a boy who wants to play outside with his toys but can't find the right clothes to wear. So with the help of Huggle Buggle Bear he searches the house to find the right clothes.
Oisín really liked this one and he has picked this one out at bedtime over and over again

Have you read any of these books? Did you like them?

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