Thursday 8 October 2015

Week With A Poorly Toddler

This week has been in one word awful!
It started Sunday afternoon when Oisín woke from his nap
with his temperature hitting almost 50C
Paul was in work so I tried my best not to panic
gave Oisín some medicine and striped his clothes off
to make sure he had no rash on his body
He was back to normal after an hour but that
was the longest hour of my life!

I went to bed after Downton Abbey Sunday night
with a hot chocolate in hand
Didn't sleep very long as Oisín woke at 3am with
another high temperature. I brought him downstairs
gave him some medicine and a cold drink
We watched Toy Story (Oisín's new favoutirte)
and by 5am Oisín was ready to go back to bed
Monday morning I brought Oisín to the doctors
when his temperature hit 50C
Turns out our poor little guy has an
ear infection, swollen glands as well
as cutting his final three eye teeth

Thankfully he is on the mend now
with a course of antibotics for the week
Sleep patterns are getting back to normal
He is eating again
Playing and back in creche 
It has had a knock on effect with my slimming world plan
as I have been eating when I can, sleeping when I can and putting all sorts
of crap in my mouth!
Next week is a new week we will all be fighting fit and back on track!

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