Wednesday 21 October 2015

On The Box This Week

Warning-TV Spoilers Ahead!

We settled down for another episode of Downton Abbey
with a nice glass of bubbles. I am feeling a little sadder as each episode goes by
as the end of the series is getting nearer!
This week I felt alot of different story lines are starting to tie up lose ends
like Mrs Pattmore and Mr Mason maybe a romance on the cards
Footman Andy coming to Mr Mason's aid and wanting to train as a farmer
but there was a little secret he can't read. Which Thomas was soon to
figure out, offering to help him to learn. Is Thomas going to turn over a new leaf and really help Andy or will his evil side come out and hold it over him to use against him later?
I can also see a little romance developing between Andy and Daisy later on
The Lady Mary and Henry Talbot storyline went on as herself and Tom went to see him
drive a car. I still don't see them as a couple but maybe a little bromace between
Tom and Henry as the joked over a pint!
I really enjoyed the scene between Mary and Tom as they spoke lovingly about
Lady Sybil. I still really miss her in the show. Tom later went on to save Mr Chamberlain from a tit for tat row about the village hospital (a storyline that is quite boring tbh) and then managed to get Mr Chamberlain to tell him about the old gag he played in London many year before
which Old Lady Grantham was blackmailing him with! Good old Maggie Smith!
It was the dinner party which people will be talking about for a while!
In between courses Robert Grantham wasn't feeling very well, with
a pain which has been going on for a while. I expected him to faint to the floor holding
his side, but we got a little bit more than that! Robert projectile vomited not once, but three times all over his guests and wife. The scene when Lady Cora has blood spattered all over her face
had me gasping at the TV, even the hubby thought he was watching The Walking Dead for a moment! It was touch and go for a moment and I was really worried that it might be the last we see of Robert, but we where soon told that Lord Grantham was going to be okay after his operation.
In the mist of all the drama Lady Mary heard something that as has made her start to think that little Marigold is more that just Lady Edith's ward!!
My favourite quotes this week were:
“You have read too many novels! You have seen too many moving pictures!”
~Old Mrs Grantham to her Maid
"Bubble and squeak with lamb?"
~Carson not very happy with Mrs Hughes cooking skills
“There’s no such thing as safe motor racing. And there’s no such thing as safe love.”
~Tom to Mary (awwwww)

I was really looking forward to the reboot of The Muppets which started on Monday night at 8pm
I grew up watching the repeats of the classic 70's show and I loved it!
This reboot is a little different its more of a mockumentry think The Office crossed with Modern Family!
No theme tune with this reboot which I really miss! No actually Muppet show but behind the scenes of Up Late With Miss Piggy. I did like the idea of the show and the back stage gossip but I found it was low on laughs. I didn't really like the Fozzie Bear new girlfriend story line or Kermit's new replacement for Miss Piggy storyline, I felt like it was aimed at adults a little too much.
I did like the funny chemistry between Kermit and Piggy. I found Piggy's diva moments very funny especially when she took it out on poor Fozzie. The Animal and The Electric Mayhem where also very funny, and I enjoyed the cameos from different Muppets in different studio apartments.
But I did miss the jolly, funny, mayhem, giddy joy that was The Muppet Show

Another of our favourite shows started back on Sky One on Modays
Modern Family
This episode showed what happened over the Summer to the family
Haley almost stops Andy proposing to his girlfriend but her Mother gets in the way!
Andy over hears Claire and Phil talking about how Haley feels about Andy
He says he is fine but comes back from planning his wedding over the summer
and its very clear he has been comfort eating! They confront each other and decide not to see each other. Andy goes back to his girlfriend and Haley back to on off boyfriend Dylan
I know a few fans are sick of the Haley/Andy story line but I like it, I love how Andy is so like Phil, but am hoping they finally get together this season.
Meanwhile Mitch is having a midlife crisis and Joe is starting school
I love Lily, Manny, Luke and Alex and hoping they get a bit more screen time this year.
This was a great taster episode and am looking forward to more laughs this season!

How to follow up from last week's killer episode
by not having all the leads in the second episode and pull out another cracker of an episode as only The Walking Dead can!!
Instead of picking up where it left off last week it started off with a no dialogue flashback
of a very minor character Enid. By the end of the show we could understand her alot more and also what JSS stood for Just Survive Somehow...which could actually be the name of the show!
It then lead into the Alexandria's getting on with there daily lives, remember most of these people have barely even see a zombie so there chatter is all about what there doing for supper, unwittingly knowing all hell is about to break lose! As Carol looks out the window at her neighbour smoking she see her attacked not by a walker but by a person with a very large knife. She now knows Alexandria is under attack not by zombies but by what looks like a large group maybe cult it's The Wolves.
They have been a long time coming, we have seen traces of them since last season, but they made there presences known, within seconds the body count was huge!
Carol was back on form this week and went GI Jane on the Wolves arses! Soon we found out what was blowing the horn from last week. The wolves crashed a very large trunk into the walls of Alexandria (a truck which I think has alot of zombies in the back) Morgan ran back to Alexandria to help. He and Carol butted heads as he feels that they didn't need to kill the wolves and wanted answers. Carol was taking the no messing approach and killing every wolf she saw, loved when she put the wolves clothes on! Soon Morgan and Carol had Alexandria back under control but I don't think we have seen the last of the Wolves
The cliffhanger from last week's episode is still unresolved with hundreds of walkers heading right for Alexandria! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Do you watch any of these shows? What you think of this week's telly?

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