Friday 6 November 2015

Babies, Babies Every Where!

Recently it seems my facebook newsfeed is full with friends announcing there pregnancy, Instagram is full of scan pictures, youtube is awash with pregnancy announcements, my blogger feed is all pregnancy updates along with some close friends also announcing there pregnancy
I am totally happy and blessed for all these people, family friends, social media friends and strangers
Creating and bringing a new life into the world is an amazing thing. One of the best feelings in the world. The love for your child is like no other and a love I never truly understood until my son came along. 
Now that Oisín is almost two I have longed to get pregnant and have a sibling for him. With my PCOS such a big part of my life I knew we would have to try for a while. We have being trying for almost a year now with no result, the treatment which seemed to have worked the first time around is not working. I have lost weight and have undergone a lifestyle change in eating right, losing weight weekly, do weekly exercise and start yoga classes. Nothing seemed to be working this time around for us, but we did get some good news this week.
We are now starting a new fertility treatment which is a little more intense which fingers crossed might work. I am taking a no stress approach this time around, trying to not let getting pregnant take up all my mind space and time. 
I hate when people ask me when are you having another one (meaning baby) Sometimes its not as easy as having another and sometimes couples can't have another child for one reason or other.
I am not giving up yet but if it never happens for me again at least I have this beautiful face

I might never be a Mammy to a large family but I AM a Mammy and thats all I ever wanted


  1. bless your heart. I know exactly what you mean. The thoughtless 'when are you going to have kids' used to feel like a knife in my heart. Bill and I tried for years to have a baby, I ended up telling lies, I'd say that I didn't want any children just to shut people up. It still amazes me that people can a) be so nosey and b) in this day and age when fertility issues are so well documented, that people can ask without thinking about it first.

    When Violet finally showed up I was overwhelmed. I think from start to finish she took 6 years. We didn't go to the doctors, I just had hope. :O)

    I wish you luck, but you are absolutely right. You are a mum. And that's all that matters :o) xx

  2. Thank you Sadie for your beautiful comment


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