Wednesday 11 November 2015

On The Box This Week

Warning-TV Spoilers Ahead!

The last ever episode of Downton Abbey (besides this years Christmas special) was aired Sunday night. I am going to be honest I was disappointed with this extra long episode, everything that was dragged out over 90 minutes was solved in the last three minutes of the show! 
Mary was pinning for her race driver telling everyone she was fine, when she wasn't. Tom was getting very annoyed with her! Mary went back and forth the whole episode about if it would work with Henry when she wasn't being horrible to herself she was wrecking Edith's life! If Mary can't be happy then no one will! Edith's beau suddenly came into money, an estate and a title which if Edith would to marry him she would out rank Mary, of course the green eyed monster wasn't having any of this! So Mary let out Edith's secret about Marigold and soon Edith was left alone calling Mary what she was for most of this episode a "bitch"
Mary got her happy ending she finally agreed to marry Henry. They where married the next week with Edith forgiving her sister. Downstairs Mrs Pattmore's b&b wasn't going to plan and need some good publicity which the family where happy to give! Poor Thomas tried to take his own life after weeks of being picked on we knew this was building up. Luckily he was found in time, this storyline got about eight minutes of screen time it was so underused and underplayed in an episode that was extra long. Mr Moseley's finally got his happy ending too, as a teacher, his scene when he is telling the children education is for everyone was beautiful
Overall I am disappointed with the lack of good story lines this year. That boring hospital one when on for weeks for nothing. I would of liked to see more of the children this season. An actual storyline for Tom that hasn't got to do with him playing cupid for Mary! I am hoping that the Christmas episode really pulls it out of the bag. Baby for Anna and Bates, maybe one for Mary too, Cousin Isobel finally getting married, love interest for Tom, and please let Edith get her happy ever after! Maybe Marigold's Father will come back from the dead!
Favourite quotes of the week
"Your a Bitch"~
Edith to Mary (yes you can be a bit of a bitch Mary)
"I can't be a crash window again"~
Mary to Dowager
"A surprise is a surprise Mama and I'm sure we haven't seen the last one yet"
~ Robert to Dowager (Oh I hope we haven't see the last one yet!)

Nigella is back on our screen's on Monday evenings with Simply Nigella.
We are a fan of her in our house although I wouldn't reach for her recipes all the time Jamie Oliver and Slimming World are our go to recipes. We have used her recipes Christmas ham in cola and rocky road bars have been made alot in our house. Hubby is a huge fan of her but for different reasons!
She seems to be a little more healthy this time around her recipes are not dripping with fat, sugar or cream. That said it is comfort food but of a different kind last week's noodle dish looked delicious and one I want to try in the coming weeks. This week the breakfast bars looked yummy, slimming world friendly and something I am going to make this weekend. 

This week's episode was quite like the calm before the storm
carrying on from episode three. Rick managed to get away from the RV surrounded by walkers but we are not shown how and the Alexandrians are cleaning up the mess made by the Wolves. All the while there seems to be a few hundred walkers just outside the walls.
Maggie is told that Glenn hasn't made it back (we are still unsure if Glenn is alive) which she then decides with Aaron's help to leave and find Glenn, in the end she doesn't leave but she confines in Aaron that she is pregnant. Deanna the once strong leader of Alexandrian seems to be walking around in a daze she seems to finally realise the horror of the world outside the walls.
Not much else happened in this episode besides the Rick and Jessie kiss which was building since last season. Also the walls of Alexandria seem to be bleeding?! Next week seems to be focused on Daryl, Sasha and Abe don't think we will find out about Glenn until the mid-season finale!

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