Friday 27 November 2015

Forever Aloe Vera Clean 9 Detox

I decided to give my body a another detox before Christmas as
December is a very busy month for me, with party nights out, meals out and many glasses of bubbly!

Last time I done this I forgot to blog about it so this time I thought I would do a little review of the product and how I got on. This is NOT a sponsored post I did not get paid or gifted the product it's just my own thoughts. Last time when I was thinking of doing this I searched the internet to see how other people got on, so maybe this might help some one else.
I started this on a Wednesday as I found it easy to do the first two days while I was in work
it took my mind off the hunger pains!
The two days before I cut down on tea and coffee and tried to get alot of water into me!
In the pack you get two bottles of aloe vera gel, fibre sachets, protein shake and food supplement tablets. For the first two days you drink alot of the aloe vera gel, have a shake at lunch time and take the fibre drink and tablets. After day two you cut down on the aloe vera gel and double the shakes and can have 600 calories a day.

Wednesday Day 1:
I found today okay in general but had to drink extra water in the
mid morning as I felt a headache coming on! The rest of the day was fine
kept eating my free foods!

Thursday Day 2:
Today is the hardest day for me, it was last time and was this time too.
Last time I didn't have to deal with the Christmas food TV ads!
I drank lots of water and ate free foods
and was praying for lunch time so I could have a shake!
But I did hit a wall in the afternoon and need a little nap!

Friday Day 3:
I have never been so happy to have scrambled eggs and wholemeal toast!
I split my 600 calories as I needed something to eat in the morning before work
Today wasn't too bad once I had my breakfast and shake for lunch
and had my other 300 calories with a spring onion and tomato omelette

Saturday Day 4:
Oisín had a sore throat and cough the past few days this morning I woke up
with tickley throat so I wasn't feeling hungry at all
So I had a shake for breakfast and kept my 600 calories for chicken stir fry
and wholegrain rice for dinner

Sunday Day 5:
I woke up with cold this morning and headache caught Oisín's cold!
Had two pints of water and my food supplement tablets
Didn't have my shake till lunch time when I felt a little better
Dinner was roast chicken breast with baked potato

Monday Day 6:
Cold and cough took over today but I am staying as
close to the c9 detox as I can had my shake for breakfast
Have been drinking warm water with honey and lemon for my throat
Stuck in bed all day feeling awful drinking lots of water
Had chicken with rice for dinner haven't much of an appiete

Tuesday Day 7:
Cough was bad today sent home from work sick
So I had to buy a cough bottle not sure if your made to take it with the c9
but need to make myself better so that comes first
Had a shake for breakfast and lunch didn't have much for an appeitte
so dinner was a baked poato and cheese

Wednesday Day 8:
Felt a bit better today but stayed of work today to rest
Felt little hungry this morning so had a boiled egg on toast
Shake for lunch and tomato and cheese omettle for dinner
I have to be honest and say I am glad today is day 8
being sick and doing a detox doesn't mix!

Thursday Day 9:
Finally felt a lot better today
Just a little cough now
Last day on C9 and tbh I am pleased it's over I wasn't as good on it this time
Had shake for breakfast and lunch
Then had over baked chicken with sweet potato chips

In total I lost 7lbs on the C9 detox which I am really happy about
I lost in total 11inchs all over my body, my skin and hair looks and feels better
It was a pity I came down with a cough and cold half way through it
I stuck to it as best I could but because I was feeling awful I didn't enjoy it as much
and don't think I was eating as much.
To be honest I don't think I would do the C9 again in the winter especially so close to Christmas
as the Christmas food ads just wanted me to eat very thing!
I found it hard this time around as the weather was awful and I found myself cold easier
Unlike the Summer time salads and fruit where not appealing I just wanted hot soup and comfort food!
Overall I am happy with the results and I do think I bounced back quicker after being ill
because of the detox
If you are thinking of doing it, I would recommend having something afterwards
to help keep the weight off like, Slimming World or Weight Watchers.
As it is very easy to put the weight straight back on, it is a detox and my body does feel better more refreshed just what I need as we head into the busy month of December.

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