Monday 30 November 2015

Over The Weekend #11

This weekend was the start of the busy ones!
We have something on every weekend from now to Christmas!

Friday Paul and I settled down to watch the Irish Tradition that is
The Late Late Toy Show every person in Ireland remembers watching it as a child
Oisín is still too young to stay up for it but we did Sky plus it and
he enjoyed watching it Saturday morning

I woke Saturday not feeling well again not as bad 
but it felt like my sinus where blocked and my ear was hurting too
I done my best to get over it and put our Christmas decorations up

We waited till Oisín had gone to bed to put the
tree up it takes awhile so I like to take my time over it

His face Sunday morning was priceless
he kept saying Wow over and over again!!

My parents and I then went to Console's annual concert
for families effected by suicide it was my Dad's first time at it
It was another beautiful concert and I came home 
with a lighter heart

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