Friday 20 November 2015

Our Top Five Christmas Ads 2015

One of our favourite things about Christmas
is of course the Christmas ads!
This year has been even nicer as Oisín has started to notice
the different ads.
Here are our top five for this year:

5: Aldi
Favourite Things
 This take on the Sound of Music classic is really festive
Oisín loves this ad every time it comes on he gets really excited
sings along and claps at the end!
I like it because we mostly shop at Aldi and I liked seeing
our favourites done up for Christmas!

4: Lidl
School of Christmas
I really enjoyed this School of Christmas idea
With classes in how to make the best leftover sandwich, how to appear
grateful for an unwanted gift and a masterclass in wrapping!
I found this ad very funny and clever

3:Sky Movies
Brussel Sprout
Hubby say this is not as good as last years
but Oisín and I really like it
After a little girl has been told to eat the rest of
her Christmas brussel sprouts she finds a different
way of getting rid of them as she is transported into
her favourite movies which just happen to playing on
Sky over the Christmas!

2:John Lewis
Man on the Moon
For me last years John Lewis ad has a special place
in my heart as the song reminded me of my love for
my little boy
This year's ad is another beautiful piece which people
are mixed about it, but I think it highlighted loneliness
at Christmas beautifully
It tell the story of the man on the moon how a little
girl sees him and sends him a gift for Christmas

Mog The Cat
We don't have Sainsbury's here in Ireland
so I can't buy a Mog for Oisín
But this is our favourite ad this Christmas
The three of us love it and Oisín thinks its so funny
and keeps saying Mog Meow when the ad comes on
the telly!
It tells of calamity prone Mog
who after a number of accidents sets her family's home on fire!
The neighbours all help and remind us Christmas is a time for sharing!

Noticeable Mentions:
We also like a few other ads but didn't make our top five
They are:

Mars Celebrations: Christmas Tree
Oisín really likes this one too think it reminds him of his favourite Pixar movies!
The Christmas tree decorations can't resist the yummy sweets and try there very
best to get one!

Spanish Christmas Lottery
Paul and I watched this online after it with viral
The animation reminded me of the movie UP so did the tears
There is no talking in the ad so you don't have to know Spanish
It's a beautiful story if you haven't watched it please do
Tells us of a lonely security guard who misses out when
his job win the lotto but his work friends have other ideas!

Waitrose Make It Christmas
I really like this ad we don't have Waitrose here in Ireland
doesn't mean I can't get excited over the ad!

Classic Christmas Ads:
Here are a few of our favourite classic Christmas Ads the ones that are shown
over and over every Christmas

Guinness Dreaming Of A White One
I have to admit this might be my favourite Christmas ad ever
Our country might not be equipped for a white Christmas
but we all hope it will stick at Christmas
so we will get a white one at Christmas
For me I know it's Christmas when I see this ad

Dennys At Home For Christmas
This is such a cute Christmas ad
show a little family of three at Christmas
From the moment the little girl comes into her living room
to see what Santa has left her...the magic of Christmas through
her eyes..."he's a very good Santy"

Coca Cola Holidays are Coming
Of course the classic holidays are coming jingle ad
This is the Hubby's favourite when he see it he knows
Christmas is on it's way!

So that's our favourites for this year and our classics what's yours?

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