Monday 23 November 2015

Over The Weekend #10

I would love to say this weekend was a lovely one
and we done lovely things to celebrate the run up to Christmas
but we didn't it seems this weekend in November is the time we
get sick, last year it was the same weekend different illness a winter bug
this year Oisín came down with a horrible cough and cold
the cough is so bad it has been making him vomit poor thing
I am in the middle of my second c9 detox
 but by Saturday I could feel the tingle in my throat and my nose was blocked!
So far Paul hasn't got it and he has been a diamond looking after his two patients!

I haven't broke from the C9 still doing
it and on day six today but finding it
hard as I have no appetite and
just want to sleep!

Spent alot of time in bed reading
festive books to cheer myself up!

Oisín and I wrapped ourselves up in blankets
had jammie days and watched lots of Disney

We have alot on next weekend so are hoping
to all better for then, so lots of snuggles
are happening today!

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